QWERTY-fied HTC Vision in the works, comes with Android

21 May, 2010
Apparently, HTC are working on another Android smartphone, the so called HTC Vision, whose partial specs sheet has just been spotted. Unlike the company's Android-powered devices so far, the...

  • p
  • peanuts
  • jc8
  • 24 May 2010

this better be legit because I have been waiting on a htc qwerty pullout running sense ui for a long time...it needs to have specs of evo 4g

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • 2CD
    • 24 May 2010

    imac, 22 May 2010So symbian^3 is a midrange device wow does the nokia n8 sou... moreNokia devices havent be high end for the last 2 years at least

      • D
      • Deep space bar
      • kDi
      • 22 May 2010

      imac, 22 May 2010So symbian^3 is a midrange device wow does the nokia n8 sou... moreAtom and snapdragon powered smartphone will be high end while ARM powered will be midrange
      Intel high end
      Arm mid
      And if this is a mid then hell the new tablet nokia is working on from the n9xx series is called the rx - 99 which already has 64bg with expandable slot and has a bigger screen i think

        • i
        • imac
        • fu$
        • 22 May 2010

        So symbian^3 is a midrange device wow does the nokia n8 sound midrange to you guys ?so if its true its midrange, how well specd is the nokia's high end device is gonna be ?

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • p7K
          • 22 May 2010

          Noman, 22 May 2010Android is now competing symbian in every brandexcept nokia and hp lol

            • N
            • Noman
            • uWJ
            • 22 May 2010

            Android is now competing symbian in every brand

              • D
              • Deep space bar
              • kDi
              • 22 May 2010

              Spyroscesarsc, 22 May 2010I think that myTouch 3G Slide is only for US. In Europe the... moreYour a funny
              Symbian was pushed to mid range cause nokia didn't have a midrange smartphone market some improved maemo and joined intel and they deside to not just make maemo to meego but have this OS intergrated in to other devices that are powed via intel CPUs
              So maemo/meego is not just a highend smartphone is the future OS of some devices
              They are even working with BMW to intergrate there widget system into th car

                • S
                • Spyroscesarsc
                • 3AY
                • 22 May 2010

                Anonymous, 22 May 2010hey, what fuss is this all about? didn't they already have ... moreI think that myTouch 3G Slide is only for US. In Europe there isn't qwerty-able Android phone this moment...
                I agree with Corleone! In hi-end smartphone category, Symbian is DEAD! So, Nokia made Maemo and then with Intel turned Maemo to Meego... They don't believe that Symbian is good for hi-end devices!

                @imac Symbian solds so many handsets because even the worst mobile phone of Nokia is Symbian-based! In 10 people who have a cheap symbian phone by Nokia, 8 (from people who I know) of then don't even know that their phone is "smart"... Because you go to buy a phone with 200 euros, without care about smartphones, and they sell to you a symbian phone. Probably that's the way Symbian sells too many handsets! Because of Nokia's good name and clients... :)

                  • D
                  • Deep space bar
                  • kDi
                  • 22 May 2010

                  Anonymous, 22 May 2010I think you should study deeper, space bar.. froyo is effe... more2.1 was crap so they had to fix with 2.2 cause of the battery drain issue lol Massive fail
                  Just like with apple's 3.1 lol
                  No massive battery drain firmware for symbian1 cause it's already power efficiant lol
                  And now that symbian3 is coming soon it's gonna be even crazier

                  Don't hate cause google pulled an apple and messed up on a firmware update that drains your battery

                    • C
                    • Corleone
                    • SgW
                    • 22 May 2010

                    imac, 22 May 2010Here is an article i read yesterday"Research company G... moreIts true that Nokia sells very much Symbian Phones...in developing countries with people on a tight budget , in the modern civilized world almost nobody buys symbian anymore , im pretty sure that Symbian is an ending story...

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • Uij
                      • 22 May 2010

                      where is the cheif? we need new recipes, please

                        • p
                        • pM
                        • 3NH
                        • 22 May 2010

                        Anonymous, 22 May 2010Oh and I suppose 5800 and the rest of those sh*tty buggy br... moreSymbian is a great OS, whatever people saying.Me, personally, I care about if it is efficient,not if it has bright colors, nice icons and other things who normally please the girls...I care about what it can do and you care about design.That is the difference.I´m not saying that Symbian OS is perfect.No,it is not perfect... but for me and others millions of people it is THE BEST choice!!

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • uSN
                          • 22 May 2010

                          Deep space bar, 22 May 2010I guess i doesn't count cause it can't be upgraded to 2.2 l... moreOh and I suppose 5800 and the rest of those sh*tty buggy bricks from Nokia are getting an upgrade for Symbian^3?? Don't think so. They'll be stuck with those slooooow and slugish OS's forever. At least Android is alread fast. Even the lowest spec'd Android can wipe the ass of a high-end Nokia symbian phone.

                          Symbian sux so much that you have to double tap on menus on an outed resistive touch. WTF? And scrolling is at 15fps only. How lame is that? The UI is the slowest sh*t ever!! And when you install an app it needs these tons of confirmations and certificates. Gaynesss... I am sooo not surprised Symbian has a DECLINING market share while Android is being called the fastest rising OS eveer. SO you can shove your symbian down your *ss 'cause no one gives a sh*t about it. I know tons of people moving from symbian to Android and they couldn't be happier.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • wr1
                            • 22 May 2010

                            Deep space bar, 22 May 2010I guess i doesn't count cause it can't be upgraded to 2.2 l... moreI think you should study deeper, space bar..
                            froyo is effecient OS don't consume much cpu power as eclair does.
                            Comparison shows that froyo runs 4x faster with the same cpu.
                            the question is the willingness oh HTC, as even Hero I'm sure it's capable to handle froyo! :D

                              • D
                              • Deep space bar
                              • kDi
                              • 22 May 2010

                              Anonymous, 22 May 2010hey, what fuss is this all about? didn't they already have ... moreI guess i doesn't count cause it can't be upgraded to 2.2 lol cause the hardware sucks..... They would have thought about it from along time ago about the OS and the hardware so people what have the g1 and g2 suck since it can't support 2.2
                              Go symbian woot

                                • i
                                • imac
                                • fu$
                                • 22 May 2010

                                Spyroscesarsc, 22 May 2010lol I lol think lol that lol you lol say lol too lol much l... moreHere is an article i read yesterday"Research company Gartner has
                                published a breakdown of the
                                smartphone world for Q1 2010, and
                                the results are looking incredibly
                                positive for Nokia. With over a
                                quarter of a million Symbian
                                handsets sold every DAY, rivals are
                                going to have to work hard if they
                                want to catch Nokia. To find out more,
                                join us after the break …
                                Gartner’s research of the smartphone
                                world shows lots of figures for Q1
                                2010, but the most important ones
                                are the fact that Symbian devices sit
                                at the top of the pile, with over
                                260,000 Symbian handsets sold every
                                single day, and making up just under
                                half the smartphone market.
                                Granted, there are other
                                manufacturers that make Symbian
                                handsets in small numbers - such as
                                Sony Ericsson - but the vast majority
                                of Symbian phones currently on sale
                                are made by Nokia. With devices such
                                as the Nokia 5800 - which has sold
                                over 8 million units on its own, it’s
                                easy to understand how the figures
                                have become so large.
                                In comparison, RIM (Research In
                                Motion) sits in second place, with a
                                market share of under 20 per cent,
                                with Apple ’s iPhone OS taking third,
                                with around 15 per cent of the
                                market. Even with Android - which
                                makes up under 10 per cent - the
                                other three players struggle to match
                                Symbian in terms of units sold,
                                highlighting just how dominant
                                Nokia is in the global smartphone
                                So, despite what you may have heard
                                about the dominance of other
                                smartphone platforms, it looks like
                                Nokia and Symbian are here to stay"

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • wr1
                                  • 22 May 2010

                                  hey, what fuss is this all about? didn't they already have qwerty android phone?

                                    • b
                                    • brynn
                                    • nF@
                                    • 22 May 2010

                                    I have tried android and its a mess,,its all over the place in these areas,,

                                    The market place needs tidying up with more sections,,you just get a long,long list that goes on with video players mixed in with mp3 players and none ive tried have equaliers and some play video and mp3 at same time???

                                    The themes is a nightmare having to download other bits of software to get them to work..

                                    Some get this version some get others and even then the wait has been a year now for the hero..you dont know were you are..

                                    What about editing software and buisness apps well it may be their but there is no help finding it plus video.cam editing would be useless i suppose with awful cameras..

                                    I cant get it its just to allover the place..

                                      • g
                                      • gracie
                                      • 4GF
                                      • 22 May 2010

                                      yes!!! finally a full-featured HTC android! can't wait! :)

                                        • S
                                        • Spyroscesarsc
                                        • 3AY
                                        • 22 May 2010

                                        Anonymous, 22 May 2010lol android best os not in earth off course lol android fea... morelol I lol think lol that lol you lol say lol too lol much lol lolz lol! And after lols, tell me what os do you use last years.. I guess symbian from Nokia. :)
                                        So, if android is outdated, and Symbian is THE OS, why many symbian users abandon it for buy Android devices?
                                        The "outdated" as you (and 2-3 more people) believe Android will soon become the No1 smart OS, and your favorite Symbian (and of course not outdated, hahaha) will be only for fans like you guys... Because the power of Google and companies like Samsung, HTC, LG, Motorola etc is bigger tyhan the power of Nokia. CHEERS!