Modu Mini jacket

Modu Mini jacket

User opinions and reviews

  • k
  • kumar
  • U{W
  • 28 Jul 2013

Lucifer Gloria, 17 Mar 2010Looks like a phone,huh?by the way 1st for the 1st timei want this phone

    • M
    • Marko
    • LyE
    • 15 Oct 2010

    This is a very interesting concept of a cellphone, once I had in my hands I couldn't avoid to think that it was more like an mp3 player, coz it's tiny! seriously! it has a lot of limitations, being a 2010-cellphone, it has a small display, and it's kind of tricky to find how to use it completely, I didn't get the bluetooth device to work, it works like a usb storage device when u plug it into you pc, but it has a horrible speed transfer, It took almost 30 minutes to copy 900 MB of mp3.

    Well about its "pro's", its battery last very long, it has a powerful speaker, and with earpieces you got a good sound, these "jackets" are pretty much cool, I mean, being able to morph your cellphone is just awesome, it's tiny and that's just cool, it doesn't weight a lot, almost I'm not able to tell if I have it with me.

    To remove the sim card is tricky also, but after reading the manual (duhh) you realize that it's really simple to do it. It has 1.6 GB of internal memory.

    My final word, a excellent mp3 with the plus that it can make/receive calls, read sms, small, light, nice colors. Its a fair trade, because, it's cheap and you got something cool.

    sorry about my English.

    good luck!

      • T
      • The Rock
      • yfq
      • 27 May 2010

      Lucifer Gloria, 17 Mar 2010Looks like a phone,huh?by the way 1st for the 1st timeDo you smeeeeeel!!!! what the rock is cooking? the rock says that this phone is ugly, the Rock says that it doesn't matter that you where the first.Do you smeeeelll!!!!!!

        • L
        • Lucifer Gloria
        • w4j
        • 17 Mar 2010

        Looks like a phone,huh?by the way 1st for the 1st time