LG Joy

LG Joy

User opinions and reviews

  • M
  • Mashmakes
  • M}X
  • 25 Sep 2023

the phone has bad specs but its smooth in general
the problem of my LG Joy is that wifi , bluetooth and audio dose not work

    • m
    • mradevski
    • ptR
    • 21 Jun 2020

    Surprisingly this phone isn't that bad. I know that it can get quite slow when I have more apps open at the same time or the fact that it only has 4GB of storage, but I haven't had a problem using this phone as a secondary phone. Decent network connectivity, acceptable 5MP camera and an amazing battery life. I know the problems with the buggy, bloated mess that is LG skinned Android 4.4.2 Kit-Kat, overall sluggishness or the plastic screen, but I haven't had quite a lot of problems with this phone. Can't say that for newer LG phones though.

      • M
      • Mulder
      • JKT
      • 13 Apr 2020

      Worst phone of all time, garbage screen that can't be touched with unwashed hands or even the smallest droplet of water makes it go crazy, starts working on its own, sending messages to people, turning on and off, screen blinking etc. 512 MB RAM but feels like 64 MB, constant crashes and freezes that require you to pull the battery out. Has a headphone jack but it's not 5.1 so it might as well be useless. Just overall garbage, don't waste your time, money or nerves on this "phone".

        • N
        • Nickname
        • JFj
        • 02 Mar 2020

        Crap, t-com gives me for contract of 2 year internet+tv+tel and phone system crash monthly. They repair each time and bring LG garbage back! Contract is about 1200 euro per 2 years!

          • J
          • Joy
          • Swr
          • 21 Aug 2019

          This Phone didn't bring me joy

            • ÂŽelimir
            • 3Z5
            • 21 Jul 2018

            I just hate this phone! I now have Doogee X20

              • D
              • AnonD-610366
              • iA9
              • 15 Nov 2016

              Reckon i got the best bargain ever from O2 with the LG Joy,, it is fab for my needs & cost me £9.99 inc next day free delivery + new sim, was already on O2 big bundle & cant fault that either. this phone is easy to use, the camera is not 100% but suits my needs it fires up to internet & downloads quick.. cant fault it!

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 04S
                • 18 Aug 2016

                This phone is the worst phone ever .. I hate it . it has not the weather show or a selfi cam no flash . and every it gets bloked .. For that lowpriced phone the lg joy is not a got phone ..

                  • a
                  • anonyme Identitä
                  • jQN
                  • 11 Aug 2016

                  The LG Joy H211G is the best mobile device of the ones I found for what I could afford. I paid less than seventy-five dollars and the LG Joy is the best of all I found for under a hundred dollars and the LG Joy compares favorably with devices that cost twice as much.

                    • D
                    • AnonD-566015
                    • mpi
                    • 29 Jul 2016

                    this has to be the worst phone ever, got as LG supposed to be good phones, what a load of rubbish this is had the phone three months now and i quite often find it has opened the internet and a web page then when i want to close the page it freezes, have to leav it on wifi all the time or else it switches on my data allowance and uses it all up , the keys on the bottm hardley ever work first time pictures disappear without me deleting. it runs out of charge everyday regardless of if i have used the phone i do not advies anyone to buy its crap

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • nxs
                      • 31 May 2016

                      There's no flash with the camera.

                        • l
                        • lguser
                        • SH{
                        • 26 May 2016

                        I know the disclaimer says that the informations are not 100% but i suggest you can change them i have an lg joy and he has no flash on it so you can change that if you want :D

                          • B
                          • Black Flagger
                          • MkX
                          • 25 Mar 2016

                          Angelari, 30 Jul 2015512 ram and dual core at spec or i am wrong?You are wrong

                            • B
                            • Black Flagger
                            • MkX
                            • 25 Mar 2016

                            Anonymous, 31 Jan 2016Just bought a lg joy, no instructions with it. What do I do??Buy another one

                              • B
                              • Black Flagger
                              • MkX
                              • 25 Mar 2016

                              Anonymous, 18 Mar 2016The LG Joy comes in different versions: One with 4GB/512KB ... moreread the disclaimer at the bottom of the page you troll

                                • b
                                • black flag
                                • MkX
                                • 24 Mar 2016

                                Anonymous, 18 Mar 2016The LG Joy comes in different versions: One with 4GB/512KB ... moreread the disclaimer at the bottom of the page you troll

                                  • B
                                  • Black Flag
                                  • MkX
                                  • 24 Mar 2016

                                  Anonymous, 18 Mar 2016The LG Joy comes in different versions: One with 4GB/512KB ... moreWow you're so amazing now all you need to do is put up your own website and stop visiting gsm arena

                                    • B
                                    • Black Flag
                                    • MkX
                                    • 24 Mar 2016

                                    Anonymous, 31 Jan 2016Just bought a lg joy, no instructions with it. What do I do??Google it

                                      • B
                                      • Black Flag
                                      • MkX
                                      • 24 Mar 2016

                                      Anonymous, 31 Jan 2016Just bought a lg joy, no instructions with it. What do I do??Google it :)

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • 9FH
                                        • 18 Mar 2016

                                        The LG Joy comes in different versions: One with 4GB/512KB of internal memory, the other with 8GB/1GB. My local store only sells the larger internal memory option.

                                        The specification sheet is incorrect, as it does not show this larger internal memory option being available.