The Top 5 AI Video Generators to Try in 2024

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) has dominated the conversation over the past year. Everyone’s talking about using AI tools to produce text, images, and pretty much any type of content you can imagine. Incredibly, that even includes videos. There are a lot of amazing AI video generators you can use right now to create publish-worthy content.

Using these relatively new technologies, however, can be incredibly complex. So, you’ll want to be careful about which software you choose and test different options before committing to one to help you create video content. That’s where this guide comes in.

In this article, we’ll introduce you to the top five AI video generators you should try in 2024. We’ll also go over tips to maximize your AI-powered video strategy and discuss how to choose the right tool for your needs. Let’s get to it!

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Create custom visuals for your social media with the Jetpack Social Image Generator

Traditionally, creating unique and engaging imagery for social media platforms often required a basic understanding of image editing tools. Adding text to images, changing photo orientation, and tinkering with different visual styles for each social network was tedious and frustrating. But not anymore.

With Jetpack Social Advanced, you can overlay custom text onto your images and choose from a variety of styles to increase engagement on your social posts. Most importantly, you’ll save time by doing it all within the WordPress editor.

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How to Edit and Resize Images in WordPress

Adding visuals to your WordPress website is a great way to make your pages more engaging. But finding the perfect image is only half the battle. Sometimes, you’ll need to adjust how the graphic displays to make it more attractive or optimize it for web performance. 

Fortunately, it’s easy to edit your images in WordPress. You can resize a photo completely, crop out irrelevant sections, and even optimize it for a WooCommerce product page.

In this post, we’ll show you how to edit images in WordPress. Then, we’ll discuss image optimization and how it can improve your loading times. Let’s get started!

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How Much Does Video Hosting Cost? (2024 Price Comparison)

These days, most organizations use at least some form of video for marketing, training, or another integral part of their ongoing operations. So, finding a place to host all of this content is a big deal. But with so many options and pricing plans to choose from, it can be hard to know which service is right for you. That’s why we’ve put together this comprehensive guide on how much video hosting costs in 2024.

We’ll take a look at popular services like Jetpack VideoPress, Vimeo, Wistia, and more, comparing their features and prices side-by-side to help you find the right fit for your budget.

So if you’re looking for a place to host your videos or just want a better understanding of what’s out there, read on!

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How to Add a Video Background to a WordPress Page

It takes mere seconds for visitors to decide whether they want to stay on your website or go elsewhere. So it’s important that you grab their attention immediately and convince them to explore the rest of your site.

A great way to captivate and impress your audience is with a video background. In this post, we’ll take a look at the benefits of adding a video background to your site. Then, we’ll discuss some best practices and show you four easy ways to do this in WordPress. 

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Top 6 Private Video Hosting Platforms for Businesses & Creators

When you think about hosting videos for your business, popular video sharing sites, such as YouTube or Dailymotion, may be the first things that come to mind. But these are usually not the best choice for those who want to include videos on their WordPress site. They come with restrictions, advertising, and limited control over how your videos are presented and who can see them. Instead of winning more business, or wowing people with your latest creation, your videos could actually push them away. 

Today we’re going to look at private video hosting platforms designed for the needs of businesses and professional creators. We’ll explore their features as well as the pros, cons, and costs of the best options available. 

Lights, camera, action! 

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9 Best WordPress Video Plugins to Upload, Host, & Play Videos

Videos are a fantastic way to communicate with your visitors and boost engagement, and they’re becoming increasingly common on websites. In fact, Social Media Week reported that videos will soon make up 82 percent of worldwide internet traffic.

Many people decide to use a plugin to add videos to their site, but a quick search of the plugin repository will reveal a huge array of options.

To help you choose the best way to display videos on your website, we’ve examined the best plugins and compared them based on their features, pros and cons, ease of use, and pricing. 

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How to Clean Up the WordPress Media Library: Remove Unused Images & Media

As your WordPress website grows, you may end up accumulating hundreds, if not thousands, of images. While hosts aren’t usually stingy when it comes to storage space, it still makes sense to clean up your website. If you don’t, you might find yourself with a massive collection of unused media files that can slow things down.

Fortunately, WordPress makes it easy to both upload and delete media files. That means there’s no excuse not to tidy up your image collection from time to time. Once you do, you should see your site running more smoothly and your workflows improved.

In this article, we’ll discuss why you may want to clean up your WordPress Media Library. We’ll then show you how to prepare for that process, two ways to do it, and some maintenance tips for when you’re finished. Let’s dive in!

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Announcing Jetpack VideoPress: Ad-free, HD video for WordPress

Over the last decade, video has become an integral part of successful business strategy. It’s no longer enough to have video on your site to stand out; it’s essential to have it woven throughout the customer experience to drive traffic, generate leads, boost engagement, and increase sales.

Despite the ubiquity of video, the available solutions for WordPress are often lackluster. Ads can ruin the moment, presenting irrelevant content and increasing site abandonment. On top of that, there are challenges with integrating technology and self-hosting video.

That’s why we’re excited to present Jetpack VideoPress.

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website video hosting

How to Host Videos on Your Website (Best Way Explained)

Videos are a powerful form of communication. They’re attention grabbing, fun to watch, and even more fun to share — people are twice as likely to share videos than any other form of content. And, when used correctly, they can reduce customer service calls and increase traffic, leads, and sales.

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