Two Anticipated Upgrades for iPhone 16 Pro Max Unveiled

Every September, Apple typically hosts its biggest product launch event, where the company unveils its latest iPhones for the global market. This year is no exception, with the anticipated release of the iPhone 16 series. The lineup includes four new models: the iPhone 16, iPhone 16 Plus, iPhone 16 Pro, and iPhone 16 Pro Max.

Renowned supply chain analyst Ming-Chi Kuo recently released a report about the upcoming iPhone 16 Pro Max. According to Kuo, Apple has improved the energy density (Wh/kg) of the iPhone 16 Pro Max’s battery. This enhancement can result in either a longer battery life with the same battery size or a similar battery life with a smaller battery size. It depends on Apple’s decision whether to offer extended battery life or a smaller battery size.

Another significant change is the introduction of a stainless steel battery case for better heat dissipation. This modification is related to the new high-density battery because increasing the battery cells’ energy density raises the temperature during use. To prevent overheating, Apple is incorporating a stainless steel battery case. While stainless steel is not as effective at dissipating heat as aluminum, it is stronger and less prone to corrosion. Thus, it not only helps in heat dissipation but also offers better protection for the battery and the iPhone system.

Additionally, the use of a stainless steel battery case simplifies battery removal, aiding Apple in complying with upcoming EU regulations on mobile phone battery removability. If this solution proves successful, it will be applied to all models in the iPhone 17 series.
