100+ Books in 2024 discussion

2010 Lists > Meghan's 2010 List

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message 1: by Meghan (last edited Jan 01, 2010 09:21AM) (new)

Meghan (reader_meg) | 297 comments I made it in 2009, yay! I have a feeling I'm not going to make it this year. I have significantly less free time. But I'll try!

* = reread

1. Deadly Little Secret by Laurie Faria Stolarz

message 8: by Meghan (new)

Meghan (reader_meg) | 297 comments Not counting it yet since it's so short, but I read Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy, 4th Ed. by René Descartes.

message 10: by Meghan (last edited Jan 31, 2010 05:04PM) (new)

Meghan (reader_meg) | 297 comments Read The Essay on Man from Essay on Man and Other Poems by Alexander Pope, not counting it yet.

message 11: by Meghan (new)

message 14: by Meghan (new)

Meghan (reader_meg) | 297 comments 12. Candide by Voltaire

message 16: by Meghan (new)

Meghan (reader_meg) | 297 comments Some of Second Treatise of Government by John Locke.
I'll combine it with the other two I didn't count to make 14.

message 18: by Meghan (new)

Meghan (reader_meg) | 297 comments A little bit of The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith

message 20: by Meghan (new)

message 21: by Meghan (new)

message 31: by Meghan (new)

Meghan (reader_meg) | 297 comments Some of Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche, which I'll combine with the other two to make 27.

message 41: by Meghan (new)

Meghan (reader_meg) | 297 comments Some of Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison by Michel Foucault, combining with the others to make 35.

message 43: by Meghan (new)

Meghan (reader_meg) | 297 comments I'm falling behind. :(

37. The Singer of All Songs by Kate Constable

message 47: by Meghan (new)

Meghan (reader_meg) | 297 comments I feel like I should count this as two books it was so long. I won't for now...

41. The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath by Sylvia Plath

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