The Book Challenge discussion

n-z > Samantha's 2008 Book Challenge

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message 1: by Samantha (new)

Samantha | 34 comments My goal is to read 50 books between now and the end of 2008.

message 3: by Samantha (last edited Dec 27, 2007 12:00PM) (new)

message 4: by Jen (new)

Jen (istoleahalo) | 142 comments I'm glad you joined Goodreads! I am also glad that you are doing a book and author challenge this year.

Maybe you will help motivate me to "win". :)

message 12: by Samantha (last edited Feb 20, 2008 01:51PM) (new)

message 16: by Samantha (last edited Sep 01, 2008 10:16AM) (new)

message 19: by Samantha (last edited Sep 09, 2008 10:34AM) (new)

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