
Save. Read. Anywhere.

GoodLinks on Mac, iPad, and iPhone Download on the App Store

A Clean Reading Experience

GoodLinks extracts the article text and removes web advertisements and other distractions to provide a wonderful reading experience. Pick the perfect font, spacing, and size.

Screenshot of GoodLinks's Article View

Save From Anywhere

Save articles from anywhere with powerful extensions. GoodLinks is so easy it feels like part of the operating system. How to Save

Screenshot of Safari Web Extension

Stay Organized

Tame a large list with tags and starred articles, so you can always find what you need. You can also search based on the title, author, description, and content.

Screenshot of GoodLinks for macOS

Beautiful Themes

Switch between beautiful themes: Sepia for light mode and Night for dark mode. Dark mode can be swapped manually or automatically based on the screen brightness or the system setting.

GoodLinks in Dark theme GoodLinks in Night theme GoodLinks in Sepia theme GoodLinks in Light theme


Actions help you manage and share links. You can add an article to Starred, share it to other apps, export it to PDF, copy plain text or Markdown, and more.

Screenshot of GoodLinks's action list


Adjust how your links and lists look, change swipe behavior, and more. Tailor GoodLinks to fit your style.

Screenshot of GoodLinks's swipe setting screen

And More

Universal icon

Universal App.

GoodLinks is a single app that works on all your iOS and macOS devices. You only need to purchase it once on the App Store.

Lock icon


Your reading history and articles should only be private. GoodLinks doesn’t track you or your information, and nothing is shared online unless you choose to share it.

iCloud icon

iCloud Sync.

Sync links, tags, and reading position without needing another web service account. iCloud Sync means all you have to do is install the app.

iOS icon macOS icon

Ready for the Latest iOS and macOS.

GoodLinks is fully compatible with iOS/iPadOS 17 and macOS Sonoma.

Apple Silicon icon

Apple Silicon.

GoodLinks is optimized and runs natively on Apple Silicon Macs, taking full advantage of their incredible performance.

Shortcuts app icon


Deep support of Shortcuts, including the ability to run shortcuts with Siri. Save a new link, query links, open a specific view, and more.

Widget icon


With GoodLinks Widgets, you can quickly access a list or open a random unread link from your home screen.

AppleScript app icon


Use AppleScript on your Mac to create scripts to interact with GoodLinks.

Focus icon

Focus Filter.

Configure a Focus to show only the links that are tagged with specified tags.

Lock icon

Log in to Sites.

Log in to paywalled sites to get full access to their content.

Action icon

Custom Action.

Build your own actions to export and share your saved links. You can even run a Shortcut or trigger a URL scheme.

Localization icon


GoodLinks is fully localized in English, Chinese, German, Japanese, and Slovak.