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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Sep 18, 2013
When I insert the Mac OS X Panther (or older) installer CD in a computer that's running Mac OS 9, the CD image mounts on the desktop, and when I click "Install Mac OS X", a dialog pops up prompting me to restart my computer to begin installation.

What happens when the Leopard DVD is inserted in that system? Would there be a "classic" version of the installer that restarts for you, like with Panther? I hope this question makes sense. I don't own a Leopard installer disc.


macrumors G3
Oct 17, 2014
Colorado, USA
If the Mac is compatible with Leopard, simply insert the DVD and start it up holding down the C key. It isn't necessary to press Restart from within Mac OS 9.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Sep 18, 2013
If the Mac is compatible with Leopard, simply insert the DVD and start it up holding down the C key. It isn't necessary to press Restart from within Mac OS 9.
I know you don't NEED to start the installer from within Mac OS 9. My question is, would the 10.5 Leopard installer specifically have a "classic" component that would enable it to show up and run in Mac OS 9 (albeit, with functions limited to simply calling for a system restart), as well as classic utilities on the installer disk (such as Startup Disk and Disk First Aid)?

The 10.3.0 Panther Install CD #1 has those classic-enabled utilities on it, as well as a classic version of the installer (this can be seen when opening the package contents of the main installer application and seeing a Classic folder within Finder). See screenshot for the 10.3.0 Panther installer running within native Mac OS 9.

My question is, does Leopard's installer DVD (and the actual installer application) contain this same Classic component?

Screen Shot 2018-09-03 at 2.31.51 AM.png
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