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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Mar 4, 2022
United States
Don't really know where this thread belongs, but anyway, here goes...

Recently, I've been having a strange sample rate problem that occurs system-wide. The only exceptions are streaming apps (Spotify, YouTube, etc.) and video conferencing apps. This problem happens with system sound effects as well as with any local audio file. Randomly, the file, system sound, etc. will play slower/faster than normal, and I have to go into Audio/MIDI setup and change the sample rate to something else and back again. It's usually set at the default 44.1 kHz. This happens a lot when using my audio interface (which is how I listen to stuff), but it has happened with the internal speakers and the headphone jack in the past, though this is not as common.

Any ideas why this is happening? Could it just be a bug in macOS? This is on an M1 MacBook Air with Sonoma 14.2 (though it's happened in past versions.)


macrumors 68020
Oct 27, 2021
Lancashire UK
Apple's response would probably be that it's your external device and they'd ask you to check whether the symptoms persist when you disconnect your external hardware and only use the internal audio device.

Personally I haven't noticed this with my hardware. What MacOS are you running and what hardware are you using.
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