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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Chinese smartphone maker realme is asking its "loyal fans" for ideas on how to copy Apple's Dynamic Island from the iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max.


In a challenge, realme says, "the UI around the camera hole could morph into different shapes and sizes to display incoming phone calls, alerts, notifications, and more," precisely like Apple's Dynamic Island. The company finds this idea "quite appealing" and has decided to turn to its "loyal fans for ideas and suggestions on how such a software feature could be implemented on realme devices." Fans are asked to submit images, videos, and illustrations of how realme could implement a copycat version of Dynamic Island onto its devices.
Post a comment in the form of a drawing, GIF, or simply text, and explain how a potential realme Island would work, what it would look like, and how it would be beneficial - feel free to be detailed as our realme UI devs will be looking at all proposals and they know their stuff.
In an image attached to the challenge, realme showcases a hole-punch cutout with a yellow glow captioned "What's your dream island like?" realme says its UI developers will use the winner's idea and "consider it for a possible implementation in the future."

Dynamic Island on the iPhone 14 Pro

Since its announcement earlier this month, the iPhone 14 Pro's Dynamic Island has received positive reviews from users and customers online, with some calling it "one of Apple's best design in years." Dynamic Island utilizes the pill-shaped area at the top of the display to showcase relevant and contextual information to users, such as background activities, Now Playing, and more. Within days of Apple's iPhone 14 event, Android developers already began their attempts to recreate Dynamic Island on Android devices.

Article Link: Realme Crowdsourcing Ideas for Copying Apple's Dynamic Island


macrumors regular
Dec 15, 2003
I'm guessing that Apple's entry from a couple weeks ago will be the winner. :p

In all seriousness, the only difference here is that a company is trying to cover up for their usual move to copy whatever Apple has done by "crowdsourcing" their efforts. It's possible some user will come up with something cool, but I think this is really just cover so they can say their users came up with this great idea and hope that everyone ignores how closely they copied Apple with their new setup.


macrumors 603
May 14, 2012
I don't think it would be difficult to incorporate this into existing devices with a notch. :rolleyes:
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macrumors 6502
Oct 26, 2007
It's Apple's ecosystem and the tightness of software and hardware that improves the functionality and purpose of DI. I don't really see other companies matching the same level of polish.


macrumors regular
Oct 4, 2005
Seattle, WA
It's interesting how wide the cultural gap is here. China has a very long history of apprentices emulating master artisans, closely duplicating their designs. It is a very natural, comfortable progression for them to use the work of others as a springboard. But in the West this seems odious to us as it reeks of the exploitation of someone else's work. As a Westerner I'm firmly in the latter camp, and learned at an early age that much is lost in the learning process when one simply copies work off a classmate's paper. However, I think one can at least recognize that the Chinese culture simply has a different approach to this. Ultimately, I think it is at their peril (in many ways). But this behavior is not really as sinister as it might seem to us looking on from the West.


macrumors G3
Feb 22, 2020
Let the copier starts. :)
Pretty much all Chinese Android skins (color OS, Funtouch, MiUI, eMUI, etc) started as a copy of iOS UI. Unlike stock Android, they all put all the apps on the home screen in grids like iOS. Some like MiUI even only introduced app drawer much later. Vivo even put control center as a swipe from the bottom like earlier versions of iOS.

Now the copying will be blatant, and of course it will be BBK first. But their implementation will be half baked, only for few stock first party apps, and there will be zero 3rd party app support until Google adopted it into AOSP with proper APIs. Been there done that.
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