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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Sep 3, 2006
Yesterday I decided to install the new version of mamp, version 4.
During and after the installation, it displayed a message about upgrading my database to a newer mysql version. I did it, and I did not saw any errors.
But then, my site did not function, nothing displayed in my browsers, just a blank page, no error messages, nothing!
It is the first time through all the years I use mamp, that I have such issue.

Where is the problem?
What happened and now I can't see my local site?
Should I check something or change something in my connection php page?
I hope somebody can help me to solve this problem, as after this upgrading I can't browse my local site.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 11, 2011
Oh, gosh – that sounds horrible. I upgraded to MAMP 4 yesterday with no problems, including that database upgrade step.

Starting simple: after upgrading MAMP, I noticed I had to reset my root directory in Preferences > Web Server. Have you done that?


macrumors 68040
Aug 31, 2003
Silicon Valley
Are you on MAMP or MAMP PRO? I'm a MAMP PRO user and I had some serious problems after upgrading to 4 myself. It really killed about a weekend for me because I have dozens of sites on it. I had to reinstall a number of my databases after the upgrade. The databases supposedly were upgraded ok, but I kept getting MYSQL connection errors. Normally that means you used bad credentials, but mine were correct. I had to drop and reinstall the databases in PHPMyAdmin.

I initially pulled out some backup DB dumps to reinstall the DBs, but then I found that if I simply exported the current version of the DB and reimported, it would work.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Sep 3, 2006
Oh, gosh – that sounds horrible. I upgraded to MAMP 4 yesterday with no problems, including that database upgrade step.

Starting simple: after upgrading MAMP, I noticed I had to reset my root directory in Preferences > Web Server. Have you done that?

I have to check it, as now I am not on mac, and I reversed back to version 3.
Are you on MAMP or MAMP PRO? I'm a MAMP PRO user and I had some serious problems after upgrading to 4 myself. It really killed about a weekend for me because I have dozens of sites on it. I had to reinstall a number of my databases after the upgrade. The databases supposedly were upgraded ok, but I kept getting MYSQL connection errors. Normally that means you used bad credentials, but mine were correct. I had to drop and reinstall the databases in PHPMyAdmin.

I initially pulled out some backup DB dumps to reinstall the DBs, but then I found that if I simply exported the current version of the DB and reimported, it would work.

I have mamp free(not pro). Not much difference in the core thing, as Pro just unlocks some features of the same package.

So, it seems that there are problems with version 4, not only in me, but with you also, and possibly with others too.
For the first time in years, since I use this package for many years.

Do you believe there something wrong with the 'upgrading' of the databases from the mamp?
Easy workaround for this?

I am not forced to go to version 4, so maybe it is a good idea to wait to fix it in a new version of mamp?
They have frequent updates now, as I see in their site, possibly due to bug fixes...

Or can I do something by myself, for example with a software like navicat?

What is the problem? And what you suggest?


macrumors 68040
Aug 31, 2003
Silicon Valley
I have mamp free(not pro). Not much difference in the core thing, as Pro just unlocks some features of the same package.

If you're a developer, the PRO version is totally worth it, but sure if you're working on your own site it does plenty.

So, it seems that there are problems with version 4, not only in me, but with you also, and possibly with others too.

I've had problems with it before, but not this badly.

Do you believe there something wrong with the 'upgrading' of the databases from the mamp?
Easy workaround for this?
Yes there was a DB problem in my case. The fix is just to export the DB and reimport it.

I am not forced to go to version 4, so maybe it is a good idea to wait to fix it in a new version of mamp?
I'd wait. The main improvements are that you get to run Perl, Ruby, Python, and Nginx. If you don't use any of those, there really isn't a reason to upgrade at all.

What is the problem? And what you suggest?
I can't answer that question based on anything you've told me so far. What kind of site is it? Are you getting any error messages in your php logs? Are you able to load static html pages? Can you access phpMyAdmin? Did you try reimporting the database?


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Sep 3, 2006
I will have to install an ssl certificate on my site, online, but before doing it there-online/live, I would like to make a test locally, with mamp.
I made a google search but it seems that there is no 'easy' way to do it with mamp. But maybe I am wrong.
Any ideas?


macrumors 68040
Aug 31, 2003
Silicon Valley
I will have to install an ssl certificate on my site, online, but before doing it there-online/live, I would like to make a test locally, with mamp.
I made a google search but it seems that there is no 'easy' way to do it with mamp. But maybe I am wrong.
Any ideas?

What are you trying to test? If you're trying to test out the process for installing an SSL Certificate, any "easy way" is not going to do you any good because there's no easy way to perform your own manual install of a SSL Certificate.

Also, even if you were to do it the hard way in MAMP, you could only test out the process because the SSL Cert that you'd install for MAMP wouldn't be the same cert you'd use on the server. The private keys would be different.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Sep 3, 2006
I use to have almost identical setups of my site, locally and online.
For example, this means in the case of a wordpress site, that I just have to change the 2 url fields in wordpress database about the corresponding server locally or online(site url), and everything else is rather the same.

I want to be able to continue having identical setups when I will install ssl certificate online.
As I understand from what you say, this cannot be the same key online and offline, and I think I understand the reasoning.
But at least I want to have https localhost as https online site, even if the one uses different ssl key than the other.
I want to do so, because I want to see locally what is happening in every change I make in my site, before do it online. I consider it a wise tactic.
And I want to see what the effects of an ssl key will be on my site, before going live with the appropriate ssl key there.

Possibly, I had to make one more change in wp database, when I move back and forth the database from online to mamp/offline, regarding the ssl key?
How can I manage this serious change of ssl on my site, with an appropriate way?


macrumors 68040
Aug 31, 2003
Silicon Valley
How can I manage this serious change of ssl on my site, with an appropriate way?

Ok, it sounds to me that you just want to have SSL enabled so you can keep a consistent URLs scheme between your development site and your live site. That's different than what I thought you were talking about at first.

Yeah, there's a very easy way to do that, but you have to upgrade to MAMP Pro. MAMP Pro will allow you to create self signed SSL certificates.

It should be possible to do it in the free version of MAMP too, but it won't be easy. You're basically going to have to do some hardcore Linux admin work on the command line.
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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Sep 3, 2006
Today I saw that there was an update to 4.5 version.
I download it, then install it as always.
But while the installation was done, while I trashed the older mamp folders, while I restarted my mac, while the 'about' of mamp controlpanel window shows 4.5 version,
in the web page it loads when you open it,
it still shows that it should be upgraded to 4.5!!!
Why this happens? Anyone else?


macrumors 65816
Dec 1, 2015
Suburb of Detroit
I don't think you should had trashed your older MAMP folders. I just upgraded to 4.5 (I'm running MAMP Pro) and just exited of the old version of MAMP and upgraded. The first time you run MAMP after the install it will ask you for your password so that it can update some files.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Sep 3, 2006
I don't think you should had trashed your older MAMP folders. I just upgraded to 4.5 (I'm running MAMP Pro) and just exited of the old version of MAMP and upgraded. The first time you run MAMP after the install it will ask you for your password so that it can update some files.

I tried once again the installation, this time without deleting the old folders. Still the same problem. I don't understand why. Is it a bug? I would like it to be fixed.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Sep 3, 2006
Does anyone tried the new 6.7 version for arm?
I installed it but it never run.
It displays a message that it is damaged.
I had to return back to 6.6 version for intel that runs smoothly.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Sep 3, 2006
I downloaded and installed the new mamp version 7.
Apache cannot start.
Mamp is the only local server on my mac. Nothing else.
Not the first time, I update mamp. I do it for decades!
But now it 'start' servers in mamp 7, refuses to start apache.

Can anyone else check if he has the same problem?
Any ideas?


macrumors 68040
Aug 31, 2003
Silicon Valley
I didn't realize MAMP 7 was out. I'll give that an install in the next week to see if I like it. I'm running just fine on 6.9.1 for now... and by just fine I mean it works but hangs all the time and I have to force quit it constantly.

I downloaded and installed the new mamp version 7.
Apache cannot start.

What port numbers do you have your Apache installation set to in MAMP?
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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Sep 3, 2006
Same ports as always with mamp. Nothing new. I uninstalled it now and revert back to 6.9, but I checked it while I tried to use it, nothing new.
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