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macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 22, 2018

Got an old white Macbook from 2009 (model number is a1342), after turning it on it flashes 5 times on the front white led then it gets stuck on the loading bar around 60%. The laptop is connected to the charger that shows green led, the laptop has no battery.

Pram/vram/smc resets won't work on the built-in or external keyboards but when trying "alt" with external keyboard it asks where to boot from (drive or recovery in this case). I think the problem is the keyboard but failing keyboard will cause this issue to get stuck on boot bar?

Any tip to solve this issue? I've tried few years ago and never got it to work.
Thanks in advance.


macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 22, 2018
Thank you! It worked, was able to get the verbose report, main issue seems:
“AppLeUSBHostPort: :disconnect: persistent enumeration failures”

Print screen is taken right before it goes to loading bar.

Then it goes to loading bar but doesn’t move from 0%, any clues?

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macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 22, 2018
Update: was able to do a pram and smc reset and after that was able to start in safe mode but both integrated keyboard and trackpad arent working, can use it with external KB and mouse though, any clues to solve this? Scratching my head with this laptop for years! A faulty KB will cause this kind of issues like getting stuck on the loading bar?


macrumors G5
Jul 30, 2003
The keyboard (and the trackpad) uses the USB bus for connection.
And, both connect directly to the logic board.
I think the problem is not the keyboard/trackpad, per se; but something about the firmware, which has likely become corrupted in some way.
I suggest that the clue is the repeating sleep LED when booting. That is a common symptom of a firmware failure of some kind.
You could try booting to an Apple Hardware Test (AHT) CD, to see if it will boot to THAT. If it will boot to AHT, maybe that will report a definite problem, so you can move ahead without guessing too much about the fault.
The fix will, I suspect, be simple: Replace the logic board.
If you want to search for the AHT, the correct version of that for your Late 2009 (A1342) is 3A181. That will help you if you don't have it yet.
Found download for AHT at Macintosh Repository.
You have to download all 62 .dmg files, but you only need 3A181. You can use it to burn a CD, or restore the .dmg to a USB flash drive. Should boot, but with USB issues already, it's hard to know if you can boot to USB anything. Worth a try, however.
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macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 22, 2018
Thanks for your reply, will try the AppleHardwareTest. The laptop starts in safe mode and both usb connections work with the external keyboard and mouse. When searching for the verbose error “AppLeUSBHostPort: :disconnect: persistent enumeration failures” can only find discussions about hackintosh’s. Maybe it’s really a firmware error, will keep on trying!
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