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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 12, 2014
New version of yosemite, same problem
kextstat | grep AirPort
51 0 0xffffff7f81d27000 0x5d7000 0x5d7000 (900.19.8) <50 47 46 12 7 6 5 4 3 1>
53 0 0xffffff7f82370000 0x1f3000 0x1f3000 (800.20.24) <50 46 12 7 5 4 3 1>

No Handoff in Preferences/general

and after few minutes
kextstat | grep AirPort
53 0 0xffffff7f82370000 0x1f3000 0x1f3000 (800.20.24) <50 46 12 7 5 4 3 1>

Is there a solution for my case, please?

ioreg -l | grep "board-id" | awk -F\" '{print $4}'
only show: Mac-F22586C8
is it normal?

i have tried to edit the kext 4360 but without any good result
i have tried to delete kext 4331 too.
Help please

Just with yosemite DP1 i have system preferences/general Handoff switch
Can someone edit the kext for me please?
Any help is appreciated!

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macrumors 65816
Jul 7, 2013
There are many threads with great instructions already, but just to get you started, there is NO reason to delete the 4331 Kext.

I recommend you use the method with KextDrop to install the modified kext.


macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 12, 2014
I have tried all method but no luck.
all that i can see is macbook load AirPortBrcm4360.kext just for 2 minutes
No handoff, no airdrop...

i think there is some problem with my macbook pro 2010


macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 12, 2014
From a Guide how to:
7. Go to Terminal, and type: (exactly as below)

ioreg -l | grep "board-id" | awk -F\" '{print $4}'

8. Your result should look like : Mac-94245A3940C91C80, (yours might be different.) Don't close terminal yet

9. Go To your Desktop Right Click on IO80211Family.kext, Choose SHOW PACKAGE CONTENTS

10. Open CONTENTS: PLUGINS:, then Right Click on AirPortBrcm4360.kext, and choose SHOW PACKAGE CONTENTS

11. OPEN CONTENTS: MAC OS:, then Right Click on AirPortBrcm4360, and choose OPEN WITH: OTHER: 0XED

12. Press CMD F, search for "Mac-" (without the quotes).

13. Look at the first result, for example, it might be "Mac-C3EC7CD22292981F"

14. Go back to the FIND box, in the FIND box enter that first "Mac-" number that you found.

15. In the REPLACE box, enter the number you got in Terminal, (remember you left it open.)

16. Click REPLACE

17. Click SAVE (the red circle button)

so when i do
ioreg -l | grep "board-id" | awk -F\" '{print $4}'
i have only Mac-F22586C8
and if i replace only Mac-F22586C8 than i have an error to load AirPortBrcm4360.kext

what i have to write inside this kext:
or other value?
Am i on wrong way?

If i put (for esemple) Mac-00000000F22586C8
than i can load the 4360.kext without error, but just for 1 minutes
and i have not preferences/general/handhoff switch

I have tried to edit AirPortBrcm4224.kext to
i can load this kext but with same result: 0

Thanks for your time
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macrumors 65816
Jul 7, 2013
From a Guide how to:

If i put (for esemple) Mac-00000000F22586C8
than i can load the 4360.kext without error, but just for 1 minutes
and i have not preferences/general/handhoff switch

I have tried to edit AirPortBrcm4224.kext to
i can load this kext but with same result: 0

Thanks for your time

I believe it needs to be Mac-F22586C800000000


macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 12, 2014

GREAT NEWS for macbook pro 2010 with BCM94331PCIEBT4CAX upgrade.

I have upgrade to yosemite GM 2 and with AirPortBrcm4360 binary modded now i have all OK
Airdrop <-> iphone 5
Handoff <-> iphone 5
Continuity <-> iphone 5

I don't have modify bluetooth kext, just AirPortBrcm binary.
This is how to ( a bit difficult to explain):

ioreg -l | grep "board-id" | awk -F\" '{print $4}'
only show: Mac-F22586C8
but this value if inserted give error to load 4360.kext
I did a lot of tests and in the end I realized that I need to have:


But we can't insert just this value.
because if we insert ascii . (point) then we doesn't have in binari value 00 (zero zero)

so, open AirPortBrcm4360 binary with 0xED
we can see 2 columns: left for binary, right for ascii (i think so)
Search first Mac- number (for esemple Mac-00F345FD546773FA.)
Put the cursor on the . (point) in the right columns and delete all number.
Now we have: Mac-.
write only F22586C8 (IN THE RIGHT COLUMNS)
Now we have Mac-F22586C8.
Look the left columns for cursor, click on it
Now we can write eight pairs of zero: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
if you look now the right columns we can see:

For safety I made this change to the first and last Mac- found

I hope I explained well, sorry but I do not speak English.

Thank you all for sharing your discoveries.


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macrumors regular
Nov 6, 2010
GREAT NEWS for macbook pro 2010 with BCM94331PCIEBT4CAX upgrade.

This is fantastic work - but I need to ask - has there been any write on the hardware mod/upgrade? I've looked all over and haven't found anything on how to do this upgrade. I'm fairly certain is similar to the upgrade for 2011 models, but does the card fit the same? Wiring issues? Cabling? Drivers?



macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 12, 2014
how to

no, the card is similar but the connector has moved a few cm.
so you have to move a little bit the wire antenna. Next, cut the plastic support of the airport card
also has a further attack for a fourth antenna.
you can leave free J0. or buy another antenna cable and leave it where there is space in the macbook.

Everything works just fitted (wifi and bluetooth)
But to run airdrop you need to install the kext modified by me.

it's a simple works


Ciao Roberto potresti aiutarmi

Certo che posso, spiegami i tuoi dubbi


macrumors newbie
Oct 10, 2014
no, the card is similar but the connector has moved a few cm.
so you have to move a little bit the wire antenna. Next, cut the plastic support of the airport card
also has a further attack for a fourth antenna.
you can leave free J0. or buy another antenna cable and leave it where there is space in the macbook.

Everything works just fitted (wifi and bluetooth)
But to run airdrop you need to install the kext modified by me.

it's a simple works


Certo che posso, spiegami i tuoi dubbi

Grazie per la tua disponibilità. Allora anche io possiedo un mbp mid 2010 e vorrei fare l'upgrade della mia airport mettendo BCM94331PCIEBT4CAX (su ebay ho trovato questa il prezzo sembra buono...). Una volta montato la nuova scheda e lasciando libero j0 (come ti sembra questa avvio il mac e all'avvio devo tener premuto contemporaneamente cmd alt p r. Fin qui tutto ok?
Ora non ho tanto chiara la secondo parte, potresti spiegarmela?
Grazie in anticipo, ho fatto un po' di ricerche e sembrerebbe che fino ad ora soltanto tu ci sia riuscito. Grande davvero, complimenti!!
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macrumors regular
Oct 19, 2014
Thanks for sharing your solution.:D

Which MacBook Pro 2010 do you have – 13" or 15"?

From pics at iFixit the BT card from 2010 to 2011/2012 looks different. How do you screw the card in your Mac? Seemed to me not to fit.
Would be great if you could share some pics.;)

Cause I'm new to this hacking part, which tools do you need to hack the kext (links)?

Isn't it easier to take a BT Dongle 4.0LE and change the direction to this BT by the free apps from Apple Developer Page named "Bluetooth Explorer"?


macrumors regular
Nov 6, 2010
no, the card is similar but the connector has moved a few cm.
so you have to move a little bit the wire antenna. Next, cut the plastic support of the airport card
also has a further attack for a fourth antenna.
you can leave free J0. or buy another antenna cable and leave it where there is space in the macbook.

Everything works just fitted (wifi and bluetooth)
But to run airdrop you need to install the kext modified by me.

it's a simple works


Certo che posso, spiegami i tuoi dubbi

Major thanks! I'm ordering one now. I know my way around just was concerned the connecting cable was different.


macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 12, 2014
MacBook Pro 2010 15" with BCM94331PCIEBT4CAX Handoff Airdrop continuity Solved!

Grazie per la tua disponibilità. Allora anche io possiedo un mbp mid 2010 e vorrei fare l'upgrade della mia airport mettendo BCM94331PCIEBT4CAX (su ebay ho trovato questa il prezzo sembra buono...). Una volta montato la nuova scheda e lasciando libero j0 (come ti sembra questa avvio il mac e all'avvio devo tener premuto contemporaneamente cmd alt p r. Fin qui tutto ok?
Ora non ho tanto chiara la secondo parte, potresti spiegarmela?
Grazie in anticipo, ho fatto un po' di ricerche e sembrerebbe che fino ad ora soltanto tu ci sia riuscito. Grande davvero, complimenti!!

una volta cambiata la scheda avrai già wifi e bluetooth funzionante.
per fare andare airdrop devi seguire questa procedura:

1. applicazioni/utility/terminale, digita: sudo nvram boot-args="kext-dev-mode=1"
2. delete kext located in /System/Library/Extensions IO80211family.kext
3. reboot
4. ATTENZIONE, adesso non avrai il wifi, quindi copiati preventivamente questa guida.
5. Copy il mio kext modificato IO80211Family.kext in system/librari/extension
6. Ripara i permessi disco Applicazioni/utility/utility disco
7. Ancora nel terminale digita:
sudo kextcache -system-prelinked-kernel
sudo kextcache -system-caches
8. Riavvia, dovrebbe funzionare tutto, altrimenti prova a fare un logout-login iCloud FaceTime iMessage sia su mac che su iOS 8.1
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macrumors newbie
Oct 20, 2014
Hi, Thx for the thread, are you suggesting by purchasing the BT4.0 card for 2011 and wire it onto the mbp 2010 leaving J0 then everything should work with the modded files? what about J0? what is that for?

It would be great if someone could share some of the pictures of the finished product on their 2010 MBP 15'
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macrumors newbie
Oct 20, 2014
Hey dude, would you mind writing a turtorial for us please ?

I am sort of confusion at some of your statements.

It would be very appreciated if you write a detailed turtorial~
Ex.The model of the BT4.0 we need to buy? And how to revise the files in the system to adapt the new BT4.0 to activate Handoff and Airdrop.

Thanks in advance!~


macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 12, 2014
how to

I have a MacBookPro 15" Mid 2010
write in terminal: ioreg -l | grep "board-id" | awk -F\" '{print $4}'

if you can read: Mac-F22586C8 than my modded kext and my guide is it good for you
If you read another value than you have to edit manually the kext (read my post number #6)

First we have to change our airport card

Find and buy BCM94331PCIEBT4CAX card (the card BCM94331PCIEBT4AX is not good)

Here the our card and the new card
2x2MBP2010.jpg bcm94331pciebt4_logo_1_2.jpg
how we can see the new card is a little bit different:
J0 antenna plug that we don't have
the mini plug is moved e few cm

Find and buy 1 addictional antenna or leave J0 empty

Here you can see how to disassemble the macbook

Cut the plastic support of the airport card. You have to cut it otherwise does not enter

At this point I was able to tighten just one screw to replace the airport card in his support
you should try to reassemble in some way
put it back together and turn on the macbook.

Now we have bluetooth and wifi both working (but not airdrop Handoff)


1. application/utility/terminal, write: sudo nvram boot-args="kext-dev-mode=1"
2. delete kext located in /System/Library/Extensions IO80211family.kext
3. reboot
4. ATTENTION, at this time we don't have wifi working.
5. Copy my modified kext IO80211Family.kext in system/library/extension
6. repair disk permissions Application/utility/utility disk
7. write in the terminal:
sudo kextcache -system-prelinked-kernel
sudo kextcache -system-caches
8. This is the end: reboot your macbook, now we have all new functions working.

If not, try to log out iCloud-imessage-facetime from macbook and iphone and then login again

I am a regular apple user, not an expert.
I think the new airport card is a MIMO, for this has one more connector.

I have also added another antenna, connected to J0 and I stuck it inside the macbook.

as I can, I dismount my laptop and post photos.
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macrumors regular
Oct 19, 2014
# Thanks so much!
Great explanation. So I could use your kext cause I also have the 15" MBP 2010.:p

Just 1 Question
Shouldn't it be in terminal: nvram boot-args=kext-dev-mode=1
instead of: sudo nvram boot-args="kext-dev-mode=1"
I got "nvram boot-args=kext-dev-mode=1" from trim enabler and this works.

P.S. Where to get cheap BCM94331PCIEBT4CAX in Europe? Just find the wrong ones with "4AX".
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macrumors newbie
Oct 20, 2014
amazing update ty, I'm still concerned with "Cut the plastic support of the airport card. You have to cut it otherwise does not enter" on the photo you posted it shows the old BT 2.1 card?


macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 12, 2014
&#55357;&#56397; Thanks so much!
Great explanation. So I could use your kext cause I also have the 15" MBP 2010.:p

Just 1 Question
Shouldn't it be in terminal: nvram boot-args=kext-dev-mode=1
instead of: sudo nvram boot-args="kext-dev-mode=1"
I got "nvram boot-args=kext-dev-mode=1" from trim enabler and this works.

P.S. Where to get cheap BCM94331PCIEBT4CAX in Europe? Just find the wrong ones with "4AX".

For your questions i haven't an answer, i just copy a tutorial for modding kext on 2011 macbook.

I know it's hard to find this card.
you can try to find "MacbookPro 2012 airport" and ask to a seller if it's an BCM94331PCIEBT4CAX


amazing update ty, I'm still concerned with "Cut the plastic support of the airport card. You have to cut it otherwise does not enter" on the photo you posted it shows the old BT 2.1 card?

Yes, in the photo you can see the old card.

as I have time I open the laptop and do a video.
however, the new card is different, so you have to adapt it


macrumors newbie
Oct 21, 2014
Is the card upgrade required or is the original BT card sufficient? It seems as though the modifications to the Kexts could be all that is needed.


Nov 17, 2008
Hollywood, CA
Is the card upgrade required or is the original BT card sufficient? It seems as though the modifications to the Kexts could be all that is needed.

If your "lmp version" is "0x4" you need a new card.

If your "lmp version" is "0x6" you just need the kext mod.

(last thing on screen shot)


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