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macrumors bot
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Apr 12, 2001

Apple's iPhone 15 Pro Max will continue to be the best-selling iPhone model in the first half of this year, according to Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo.


Writing in his latest industry note on Medium, Kuo said the iPhone 15 Pro Max "will still account for 40–45% of all iPhone 15 shipments in 1H24," which will be "critical" to Taiwanese camera lens supplier Largan's buoyant off-season in the first half of the year.

Apart from being the premium model with the largest display at 6.7-inches, the iPhone 15 Pro Max also features a 5x Telephoto zoom or "tetraprism" lens that is not found in other models. The tetraprism lens in the Pro Max model alone is expected to increase Largan's first half-year revenue by $108.8 to $121.6 million, according to Kuo.

Kuo has repeatedly said he expects the tetraprism lens to expand to both the iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max later this year, enabling at least 5x optical zoom and 25x digital zoom on the Telephoto lens of both premium models.

The iPhone 16 Pro is expected to feature a larger 6.3-inch display, compared to the 6.1-inch iPhone 15 Pro. This change would increase the overall size of the device, which would provide additional internal space for a tetraprism lens.

According to a report by The Elec, Apple will add LG Innotek as another supplier of the folded zoom module used in the technology, in an attempt to secure production yields for the increased number of units required.

Article Link: Kuo: iPhone 15 Pro Max to Remain Best-Selling Model in Early 2024
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macrumors G5
how big is too big

...when people stop enthusiastically paying for "too big"

Up to now, the strategy of making it "a little bigger" keeps yielding extremely enthusiastic buying. That "formula" keeps working... so keep working it. When the money stops, they'll know they went too far.


macrumors 68000
May 8, 2015
…Kuo said the iPhone 15 Pro Max "will still account for 40–45% of all iPhone 15 shipments in 1H24…
[Edit: reading MR, I‘ve apparently become conditioned to ignore the non-Pro models, 😂 so I forgot they even existed when I was reading this story.] Since there are only two sizes of iPhone 15, I read this to mean that the regular size is the best selling model.
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macrumors G5
how are people carrying these giant, heavy slabs around all day long?

In many parts of the world, these are their computers. How are people able to own multiple kinds of computers carrying around heavy laptops all day? Even Mac Studio has carrying cases. How are people lugging the cubic bowling ball around all day?

If one puts themselves in someone else's shoes where this is standing in in lieu of a MB or desktop, this is the tiniest, lightest "laptop"-like computer they've ever had/seen/used. And making them only a little bigger each year is simply making the laptop substitution yield a little more screen RE.

Why are Folds a thing? People want more screen R.E. for their primary (maybe only) computer. A fold gets them much more screen R.E. for doing things beyond simply calling & texting.

First world can wish for a 15" Air or a 17" MB. Why would they want a bigger, heavier machine to carry around all day? The same drivers apply to all who make their phones stand in for MBs. While 1st worlders might freak at the idea of an 8 or 9-inch iPhone, a bunch of people in the world would probably LOVE to have the added screen R.E. for their primary computer. No longer fit in even a big pocket? Do what the 1st worlders do and carry it in a bag or backpack.

1st-worlders will ridicule the Fold/Roll concepts because "Why not just use an iPad or MB?" NOT 1st-worlders can see such things as ideal for their overall computer needs. Grappling with a 8" or 9" slab phone would not necessarily be terrible through those lenses. And there are LOTS of those lenses shopping for iPhones too. Apparently, Apple covets their money just as much as the opportunity with only 5% of the global population living in the U.S. or the modestly larger percentage that would encompass all 1st world buyers in the world.
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macrumors newbie
Sep 18, 2014
In many parts of the world, these are their computers. How are people able to own multiple kinds of computers carrying around heavy laptops all day? Even Mac Studio has carrying cases. How are people lugging the cubic bowling ball around all day?

If one puts themselves in someone else's shoes where this is standing in in lieu of a MB or desktop, this is the tiniest, lightest "laptop"-like computer they've ever had/seen/used. And making them only a little bigger each year is simply making the laptop substitution yield a little more screen RE.

Why are Folds a thing? People want more screen R.E. for their primary (maybe only) computer. A fold gets them much more screen R.E. for doing things beyond simply calling & texting.

First world can wish for a 15" Air or a 17" MB. Why would they want a bigger, heavier machine to carry around all day? The same drivers applies to all who make their phones stand in for MBs. While 1st worlders might freak at the idea of an 8 or 9-inch iPhone, a bunch of people in the world would probably LOVE to have the added screen R.E. for their primary computer. No longer fit in even a big pocket? Do what the 1st worlders do and carry it in a bag or backpack.

First-worlders will ridicule the Fold/Roll concepts because "Why not just use an iPad or MB?" NOT first-worlders can see such things as ideal for their overall computer needs. Grappling with a 8" or 9" slab phone would not necessarily be terrible through those lenses. And there are LOTS of those lenses shopping for iPhones too.
The thing is people in the west buy them too. I don’t get the appeal when it barely fits in most pockets. 😂


macrumors G5
The thing is people in the west buy them too. I don’t get the appeal when it barely fits in most pockets. 😂

I'm a 1st worlder with plenty of money and I refuse to buy a puny-screen iPhone. Instead, I use a VOIP app on a cellular iPad Mini with buds to double as my phone too. Why? Among other things, all other apps are better on the bigger screen.

A feature that would stir more interest: could I fold/roll that Mini down to fit in a pocket... so I can get the portability benefit too? 95% of the time I'd still be using it unfolded because the bigger screen is simply more useful than the puny screen options (IMO).

To each his own of course. Others will certainly feel different. Most can't imagine any kind of tech stack that doesn't include a smart phone as the most essential core. I pretty much have never even bothered with one and don't feel like I've missed a thing.

And Apple has from time to time "listened" to this demand for small form factors, rolled one out and then not seen enough uptake to keep making them. In seems about every 3 or 4 years, Apple tries a new "little" iPhone and not enough appear to buy.

Look at the subject of this article. There are 3 competing models vs. PRO MAX, all SMALLER than this one. But it is apparently most popularly chosen. I don't know how to interpret that other than people favor the "loaded" edition even if it is "too big."

Now, something could be said for loading the best tech into a smaller case vs. the usual scenario of the "little" iPhone creations being relatively weak with the tech inside them. That could be REAL opportunity to sell a lot of little ones where the lure of "loaded" tech features are making those who want "smaller" override that want for the "loaded." So far, Apple hasn't chosen to basically make a small-size PRO MAX. How well would that sell if they did? Unknown. Experiments with little iPhones priced cheapest apparently don't motivate such a test.

My guess is that Apple LOVES the PRO MAX profit margin, so a little PRO MAX would need to generate just as much margin to interest Apple enough to sell it. The pricing trend has been as the phone gets smaller, the price (and possibly margin) is lower too. I wonder how the market would respond to a little PRO MAX priced with just as much dollar profit in it as the existing PRO MAX (presumably with the highest margin of all phones to do that).
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Dec 24, 2023
Smart move on Apple to remove the 128GB SKU and make 256GB SKU the base model without changing price points.

Apple makes an extra $100 while cost cutting out the 128GB storage option.


macrumors G5
Oct 10, 2011
I'm really enjoying my iPhone 15PM.

Outstanding cameras (important being a photographer).

Fast. Noticeably lighter weight, and a fraction of an inch less width than my 14PM making it fit easily in my shirt pockets.

No wonder it's Apple's best selling phone. That and the above will likely irritate a lot of people here.


macrumors 601
Nov 5, 2007
I'm always a bit sad that the max phone outsells the regular sized phone because it is another signal that we might not get another iPhone mini. Worse, Apple will probably continue to increase the size of the regular sized iPhone.
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