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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Apple sold between 160,000 and 180,000 Vision Pro headsets during its first pre-order weekend, according to Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo.


In a new post on Medium, Kuo said that the headset sold out soon after the pre-order process opened, with shipping times for all models slipping by five to seven weeks. While the instant sell-out and extended shipping times appear to be positive at first glance, Kuo cautioned that shipping dates remain unchanged 48 hours after pre-orders opened, indicating that demand may be quickly tapering off after core enthusiasts placed their orders.

For comparison, new iPhone models similarly sell out soon after pre-orders open, but they usually continue to see a steady increase in shipping dates in the following days, indicating ongoing demand. Kuo believes that shipping 500,000 Vision Pro units this year "should not be challenging," but demand is a key question as "Vision Pro is still a very niche product."

Article Link: Kuo: Apple Has Already Sold Up to 180,000 Vision Pro Headsets
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macrumors 604
Sep 5, 2005
Bath, United Kingdom
Many here on MacRumours would and have called me a "hater" for being sceptical of the AVP 1.0, but I am in no way saying it is going to fail 100%.

Whether it will climb out of the niche market remains to be seen, right now the price is a concern. Just read the threads here on MR where people have been buying. A large number are funding this by credit.

However the more Apple sells, then hopefully the more useful apps will be developed.

So fingers crossed this does take off and in a decade or so I'll be buying or receiving the version AVP 5.0 as my 70th birthday gift.
If my old neck will support it!


macrumors 65816
Mar 8, 2012
How many returns from motion sickness I wonder? This really needs solved and I'm not seeing much mention of it.

Experiences on this thing will be phenomenal though for those that can stomach it. I'd love to be able to handle live events on it, but I do get sick within minutes on any game on the Meta Quest.

I am also wondering how much development commitment there is right now - so many developers are focusing on AI-ifying their existing products, that it could be hard to get them to dedicate resources to VR at the same time. Budgets are tighter right now. Apple should throw devs a bone with some sort of fee amnesty for a for years for Vision Pro apps.

Maybe even help out with funding - Apple has the cash spare.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 13, 2021
Apple sells more than 500,000 iPhones on an average day. So 500,000 Vision Pro in the first year is a very small number. It is a lot for such an expensive device, but from a developer's perspective it may not yet be worth developing an app for such a small number of customers. Not only is the number of customers small, but the usage hours per customer are likely also much smaller compared to an iPhone. How many people will use it for more than an hour per day?


macrumors 6502a
Sep 25, 2013
and how many of these will be returned?

Many, many of these will not be purchased by genuine users but instead people being either curious to try it with no intention of keeping it or YouTubers desperate for content and milking it for the usual:

Preorder video
Unboxing video
First Impressions Video
24 hours later video
48 hours later video
1 week later video....

.... and then send it back for a refund.


macrumors regular
May 13, 2023
... A large number are funding this by credit.

I bought many MACs with 0 % financing and it was a no-brained since I got 45 % tax payment back within the time of financing it.
Once you figure out how to optimize your individual cashflow a low percentage credit can be a wise option in case your depot generates more income the same time.

I am going to buy it the day it’ll arrive in the EU stores - and I’ll put it on my CC since I am getting Lufthansa miles for every EUR spent - collecting these award miles pays directly for my next private fights. Easily 1 .. 2 domestic flights a year. I can see no misbehavior in this aprosch.

Needless to say that clearing of the CCs happen in Europe normally after four weeks - thus not the same as in the US.

This is a historic moment IMHO


macrumors regular
Sep 2, 2023
If shipping times remained around 1st week of Feb for pre-orders, I wonder if this could have pushed past 200k


macrumors regular
May 13, 2023
They don't.

It's very weird to think trillion dollar Apple get into any business to sell a few hundred thousand units.

It will be years before anybody can credibly call this a success or failure.

This is a 10 year masterplan and we’ll see many iterations of the AVP

The AW took off after the version 4 and nobody calls it seriously a flop.


macrumors 68030
Jul 16, 2013
The Netherlands
How many returns from motion sickness I wonder? This really needs solved and I'm not seeing much mention of it.

Experiences on this thing will be phenomenal though for those that can stomach it. I'd love to be able to handle live events on it, but I do get sick within minutes on any game on the Meta Quest.

I am also wondering how much development commitment there is right now - so many developers are focusing on AI-ifying their existing products, that it could be hard to get them to dedicate resources to VR at the same time. Budgets are tighter right now. Apple should throw devs a bone with some sort of fee amnesty for a for years for Vision Pro apps.

Maybe even help out with funding - Apple has the cash spare.
Doesn’t motion sickness come from lag which Vision Pro virtually doesn’t have? Maybe, I don’t know, wait until people get to actually test them?


macrumors 6502
Apr 18, 2022
They don't.

It's very weird to think trillion dollar Apple get into any business to sell a few hundred thousand units.

It will be years before anybody can credibly call this a success or failure.
Apple Watch was very slow to take off. The iPad before it wasn’t a boom in the launch.

Tim Cook’s ultimate legacy will be does he drive AAPL into the ground by failing to innovate anywhere except this product? His AAPL gave people the MacBook with all the ports they wanted to their detriment. His AAPL failed in R&D to introduce anything new that was a winner. He did it all by taking everything from customers and the future and giving it all to shareholders. This Vision Pro is his chance to show he could create a vision for the future.

I don’t know whether it’s a major success without developers. And Apple doesn’t care much about its developers - and seems rather tone deaf with developers complaints. If Apple stopped being a bully, started listening to developers, stopped stealing from developers, and stopped stealing IP from small companies, it could be great. It could be bigger by not walling its garden.

I bought the Vision Pro for development. I want to see if what I have dreamt of doing is possible with it. If it is, I will guess that many developers will be successful with it and the long term will see us all with something like glasses that has a wireless battery pack SoC that fits in a pocket or purse and the glasses get lighter and better.

The brighter future will be when we just wear contacts or better yet laser in technology with our bodies. Sure hope there are no viruses!

I say we give it five years before we decide is it a success and truthfully it may take longer. I get that people are upset about the price, and right now it’s really just a toy without any apps or killer app to make it better than everything else. That’s what developers can do for AAPL, let’s see if Tim does the right thing by developers or if it takes world governments to keep forcing Apple to quit being the bully and make Apple treat developers, customers and its own employees better.
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