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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Apple has announced that the iPhone 14's Emergency SOS via Satellite service will officially start rolling out today, the company said in a press release.


Apple announced the feature during the iPhone 14's event in September, saying it would officially launch to customers in November. To use the feature, users must be running iOS 16.1 or later. At launch, Emergency SOS via Satellite will be available in the United States and Canada and will expand to additional countries in December. For the first two years, Emergency SOS via Satellite will be free for customers, so Apple may charge for the service in the future.

With Emergency SOS via Satellite, in "ideal conditions with a direct view of the sky and the horizon," iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Pro models can send a message to emergency services using a satellite connection. Apple says messages might take up to 15 seconds to send in good conditions and longer in weaker conditions. For more information on Emergency SOS via Satellite, see our guide.

Article Link: iPhone 14 Emergency SOS via Satellite Rolling Out Today to Customers in the U.S. and Canada
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macrumors 68000
Jul 11, 2008
This emergency satellite message feature is going to save a lot of people’s lives!

Good Job Apple!


macrumors 65816
May 3, 2016
The real news here is that suggests we ought to be seeing iOS 16.2 or 16.1.2 drop today.
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macrumors regular
May 8, 2020
New York State
This is a great feature. I carry a Zoleo while off the grid. This doesn't have all the capabilities of a Zoleo or similar devices but if you're just looking for an SOS device, and not weather or having chats while in the wild, this could be it.
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macrumors 6502
Jun 24, 2004
According to the iJustine video I watched, the SOS satellite test feature should be under Emergency SOS in settings. In the video she scrolled to the bottom and there was a blurb about it and a link to tap on to test the feature. I see none of this at the bottom of my Emergency SOS settings. I'm on iOS 16.1.1. Any ideas how this rollout works considering it isn't tied to a new OS update? (Also, I'd like to mention I'm in the United States.)


macrumors 6502a
Nov 15, 2012
The Garmin Inreach SOS UX/UI is a million times better than the iPhone SOS: It’s one tactile button that can be activated using one finger - just flip the cover open and press the button and help is on the way. I use the Inreach Explorer+, which has a color LCD + tactile button UI appropriate for a “hardened” dedicated device. And, it supports multi platform mobile apps that can be used for followup messaging via a bluetooth connected device.


macrumors 65816
May 3, 2016
Someone said it won't work if there is a signal. But is it true or now, and will it know the difference if someone disables all radios?
My guess is that when you engage it, it probably turns on cellular radio and checks for any cellular service that can be used for emergency calls first. In the US and most other countries, providers are required to deliver emergency calls regardless of whether there is a roaming agreement in place or the phone has active service.

Ultimately, if you can reach emergency services over cellular, it's going to probably get you local help faster than the satellite solution. It's really a truly last-resort option.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 15, 2012
Someone said it won't work if there is a signal. But is it true or now, and will it know the difference if someone disables all radios?
Wonder how it works when the phone detects cell service but calls cannot be completed. This situation will prevent fallback to satellite, which will effectively prevent any SOS messages from being sent.
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