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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Mar 22, 2014
Derbyshire UK
Here’s the problem..... In iCloud I had a folder with 3.1GB of data files.
Yesterday I decided to first copy these files to my MacBook Pro then delete said files in iCloud to get back some iCloud storage space.

To do this; after first copying the files to a folder on my MacBook Pro I then went back to the iCloud folder in Finder and sent the files I wanted removing from iCloud to the Trashcan.
After removing them I then emptied the Trashcan which now shows the files are no longer showing in iCloud and not in the Trashcan.

However, after repeatedly checking the iCloud storage, although the files are no longer there the storage they used has not been reclaimed. I’m still down on this 3.1GB.
Any assistance would be great.



macrumors 65816
Original poster
Mar 22, 2014
Derbyshire UK
I believe that iCloud takes a few days to delete as safety procedure.

View attachment 746677
The iCloud App for iOS is no longer available as the Files App has access to iCloud.
The deleted files no longer show in iCloud be that using a MacBook Pro or any of my iOS devices. They were deleted but still the storage has not been given back.
Also, as to the 30 days held in the deleted folder ~ they do not show in the deleted folder which means I couldn’t put them back even if I wanted.

Hopefully in a few days it will sort it out but with nothing showing for any recovery I am wondering if something has gone wrong.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Mar 22, 2014
Derbyshire UK
Well, it’s now been 4 days since I first deleted the files and STILL that 3.1GB has not been recredited back to my iCloud account.
It’s so wrong, especially as I now only have just over 2GB before Apple will want me to increase to 200GB.

Basically, you try and delete stuff to stop the increase but Apple have other ideas!!!!!


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Mar 22, 2014
Derbyshire UK
It has now been well over a week and I a sorry to say iCloud has not given me back the 3.1GB storage.
I am at a loss now, so any ideas would be extremely helpful as Apple will be very shortly informing me I have to increase my iCloud storage.


macrumors newbie
Oct 22, 2014
I started a duplicate thread, apologies, but this is happening to me. I tried to free up space a week ago and I am still full.

Been a big Apple fan for quite a while, but they've been rubbing me the wrong way A LOT recently. I moved all my photos to Google storage because of the 1:1 issue.

Basically, if you delete a photo off your phone, it deletes itself off iCould. There's no way to break that relationship. So annoying. **** APPLE.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Mar 22, 2014
Derbyshire UK
I started a duplicate thread, apologies, but this is happening to me. I tried to free up space a week ago and I am still full.

Been a big Apple fan for quite a while, but they've been rubbing me the wrong way A LOT recently. I moved all my photos to Google storage because of the 1:1 issue.

Basically, if you delete a photo off your phone, it deletes itself off iCould. There's no way to break that relationship. So annoying. **** APPLE.
Well I know how you feel. Why the hell should I increase my storage from 50GB to 200GB when iCloud OWES ME that 3.1GB.
It makes me wonder are there any other files which I have deleted that have not been freed up for storage?


macrumors regular
Mar 16, 2017
Call Apple Support three times The third time ask for an engineer. They can get the space freed up for you.
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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Mar 22, 2014
Derbyshire UK
Call Apple Support three times The third time ask for an engineer. They can get the space freed up for you.

Done it twice so far with nothing sorted. Last time was level 2 which I would have expected Apple to sort.
I’ll ring again and request an engineer...... but this is so bad Apple, we never used to have to jump through so many hoops just to get a simple error sorted.


macrumors regular
Mar 16, 2017
Yeah they want me to do a fourth call now. They used to fix these issues on the back end fairly swiftly.
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macrumors member
Nov 24, 2016
Same issue here. iCloud owes me about 20 gigs of data that was never returned after files (mostly videos) were deleted via iOS device.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Mar 22, 2014
Derbyshire UK
Just to let you guys know, despite numerous attempts with Apple the issue continued.
However, last month a somewhat 5 months after I raised the issue, my 3.1GB was suddenly and without notice given back.

So, if you lose data expect a long wait but 'eventually' you get it back.


macrumors member
Dec 3, 2014
In the future try this, someone else mentioned that "safekeeping" may have happened, just in case you want the files back. Go to then go all the way down to the bottom left corner, there's a lot of restore links there. if they were documents click on Restore Files, and make sure the deleted files aren't hiding there or click on iCloud Drive > Recently Deleted and make sure that's cleared. Hopefully that helps.
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macrumors member
Nov 24, 2016
The issue continues. iCloud now owes me over 50 gigs of space. Apple engineers still unable to resolve the issue. Another strange behavior is that the device list is not updating even after I remove old devices from my iCloud. The device list does update in my Apple ID settings and Find My iPhone. It seems that iCloud is "stuck".


macrumors member
Nov 24, 2016
Finally after weeks of Apple pulling logs from my computer they admitted the problem was not on the computer but rather on the iCloud server side. They reset my iCloud Drive on the backend and my space has returned to normal!
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macrumors regular
Mar 16, 2017
Finally after weeks of Apple pulling logs from my computer they admitted the problem was not on the computer but rather on the iCloud server side. They reset my iCloud Drive on the backend and my space has returned to normal!

Nothing like Persistence. Makes me wish Dropbox would have sold to Apple when they had the opportunity.


macrumors member
Nov 24, 2016
This entire problem has encouraged me to move away from iCloud Drive. I won't be returning unless they entice me with something like end-to-end encryption for files stored in the drive. This should also include calendar, contacts, photos, videos, and notes.


macrumors 68040
Apr 23, 2013
Stumbled across this thread on a search. I have got a similar problem with iCloud storage not updating. But this one might work in my favour.

I recently upgraded my storage capacity and uploaded shedloads of data. None of it has registered as taking up space. I wonder how long it will last?
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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Mar 22, 2014
Derbyshire UK
Stumbled across this thread on a search. I have got a similar problem with iCloud storage not updating. But this one might work in my favour.

I recently upgraded my storage capacity and uploaded shedloads of data. None of it has registered as taking up space. I wonder how long it will last?
See my post No 15 above.
I waited 5 months until Apple gave me back my 3.1GB. That meant for 5 months I had to pay the price increase from 50GB to 200GB. Not a huge sum I admit but when you add up all the other account holders in a similar position that’ll be a large slice Apple will have made.
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macrumors newbie
Apr 3, 2019
Just had contact with the Apple Support about this very same issue. A ticket was created and the support contacted me to let me know it is a known problem engineers are working at. Until it is fixed on Apple's side, not much you can do.

You can contact Apple Support however. They are able to set your iCloud memory to the correct quota of free space. Be aware however that it still won't update until the problem is fixed on Apple's side.
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Jan 10, 2012
Stumbled across this thread on a search. I have got a similar problem with iCloud storage not updating. But this one might work in my favour.

I recently upgraded my storage capacity and uploaded shedloads of data. None of it has registered as taking up space. I wonder how long it will last?

I have the exact same problem. I have 20-25GB of iCloud data and iCloud Manage Storage says I'm only using 2.5GB. It has been this way for some time. It never changes from 2.5 even if I clear it out completely, or put 50GB in it. Meanwhile, my family (I'm on a 2TB family plan) - shows updates for every megabyte used.

Doesn't bother me all that much, ... well... ok... it bothers me because I'm fairly OCD about my usage and what not but... I don't know if I want to create a support ticket about this.

Apple wants to compete with Google Drive / OneDrive ... It has a way to go - selective sync, accurately reporting usage seems to me to be two glaring problems.

Any update on your situation?


macrumors regular
Mar 16, 2017
I actually don't think Apple wants to compete with One Drive / GSuite (Google Docs). They just built their own thing based on MobileMe. And as long as it sort of works they are happy. I expect they don't want a repeat of the Mobile Me experience. I actually don't mind because it is all integrated very nicely in IOS and MacOS. Also the recent ability to share documents and the new Files App in IOS help as well.

It's sort of typical Apple to be two years behind everyone else and then have higher adoption levels.

Maybe with Johnny Ives departure they will get some good Software Engineering and Business Solutions. Not saying they don't have lots of great stuff for business, they just seem to be lacking in Business Cloud Offerings.
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Jan 10, 2012
I actually don't think Apple wants to compete with One Drive / GSuite (Google Docs). They just built their own thing based on MobileMe. And as long as it sort of works they are happy. I expect they don't want a repeat of the Mobile Me experience. I actually don't mind because it is all integrated very nicely in IOS and MacOS. Also the recent ability to share documents and the new Files App in IOS help as well.

It's sort of typical Apple to be two years behind everyone else and then have higher adoption levels.

Maybe with Johnny Ives departure they will get some good Software Engineering and Business Solutions. Not saying they don't have lots of great stuff for business, they just seem to be lacking in Business Cloud Offerings.

While I agree with your overall post, selective sync has been industry standard for many many years now. I would love not to have to use OneDrive on my Windows work machine and use my paid 2TB iCloud storage --- but I don't want to sync all my personal data to my work machine for everyone to see.

I'm pretty happy with iCloud - family loves it and uses it - we're using 230GB total.


macrumors 68040
Apr 23, 2013
I have the exact same problem. I have 20-25GB of iCloud data and iCloud Manage Storage says I'm only using 2.5GB. It has been this way for some time. It never changes from 2.5 even if I clear it out completely, or put 50GB in it. Meanwhile, my family (I'm on a 2TB family plan) - shows updates for every megabyte used.

Doesn't bother me all that much, ... well... ok... it bothers me because I'm fairly OCD about my usage and what not but... I don't know if I want to create a support ticket about this.

Apple wants to compete with Google Drive / OneDrive ... It has a way to go - selective sync, accurately reporting usage seems to me to be two glaring problems.

Any update on your situation?

Still not showing as used up.
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