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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 27, 2002
Dear Gang,

I need some help regarding a recent Apple purchase and thought y'all might be able to give some advice. I'm new to this forum, but have been perusing it for a couple of weeks.

I recently ordered an iMac and an iBook. These are the first Macs that I've ever owned, and I'm going to sell my PCs. The reason for the switch: I'm sick of not being able to get these damn PCs to work and now that I'm taking more digital photos and videos of the kids, I don't want to entrust them to Windows. I bought the iMac to get us initiated into the Apple system and the iBook to use as a peripheral internet portal (wireless) and to have as a hard-drive depot for photos taken in the field. Eventually, I will get a Power Mac.

My dilemna is this: I've yet to receive the iBook and have begun to wonder if I shouldn't cancel the order and wait to see if the rumors about a new Powerbook coming out in a week are true. As I do digital work (soon to be 11mp images), I thought that a G4 processor might be really nice. My thinking is that the lower-end Powerbook might drop in price enough to let me get a G4 for just a little more than I'm paying for my iBook, or that the iBook itself might shortly follow with a G4 processor. However, I'm not totally up on the rumors and would appreciate any insight that the group can offer in these regards.

TIA and sorry for the long post,


macrumors 601
Jan 14, 2002
South Dakota, USA
I personally think you will love the iBook. the 700MHz G3 is not a slow computer. I have a 600MHz and it does anything with ease in OSX 10.2. If you are going to be hauling it all over like it sounds you will find the iBook is very durable! I think if you want a G4 iBook you might have to wait awhile, but I would not be suprised if there is a speed bump to the G3 soon. IBM has up to 1GHz G3's out now. I don't know why they would not use the speed.

The Powerbook is a good machine, but it will cost you much more and there is nothing you can do on a Powerbook that you can't do on an iBook. If you have a new iMac at home, I would think the iBook would be the perfect computer to go with it. If I was you I would let it come and enjoy it. You can always keep waiting for the next best thing, but you will wait forever, because they will always keep improving stuff.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 16, 2002
Los Angeles
The iBook is a great computer.......iPhoto works great, and the CD burner is very fast (so transferring the photos will be a breeeeeze)

But.....the PowerBook is a great machine.....

Here are the pro's and con's

iBook (the 12" model)-

-VERY PORTABLE (very lightweight and SMALL)
-solid construction (very durable)
-good power (its only a G3, but tasks get done)
-much better for traveling

-small screen
-G3 (which isn't so bad)
-smaller harddrive


-LOTS OF POWER (this thing can run ANY application)
-awesome for video editing
-HUGE screen!
-good battery power for its size
-BIG harddrive

-HUGE (if you want portability, get the iBook)
-fragile (handle with care)

Thats all I can think off.....

To me, it sounds like you are going to do all your MAJOR stuff on the iMac.......if thats the case, you're only going to use your laptop for on-the-road stuff, which shouldn't be much. In that case, stick with the iBook.....its portable, lightweight, and powerful......if you want to do some serious Mobile Video Editing (or mobile photo shop editing) then get the PowerBook........but if you're only making short iMovies and small iPhoto projects, then you're gonna love the iBook!

BTW----don't bother getting the 14" iBook.....if you want the big screen, then go with a powerbook........also, for transferring files between your computers rapidly, I highly recommend a small firewire drive, like the firefly or something.......


macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 27, 2002

Why don't you recommend the 14" iBook - that is in fact what I have on order.



macrumors regular
Oct 20, 2002
Im in the same dilema, thinking hard about the Ibook, but don't want to shed out this kind of cash on a processor that may only last another year if that before it starts to cry.:(

Friends keep telling me to pick up a wintel notebook to get more performance for the price(which they are right) but of course I want to try out OSX.:mad:


macrumors 601
Jan 14, 2002
South Dakota, USA
I have the 12" iBook, but if I had to do it all over again I would have gotten the 14" it really is not much more. They are both good machines. Very durable and run well. Let it come to you. You will love it as much as I love mine!


macrumors 68030
Aug 4, 2002
Madison, Wi
Actually, when running Jaguar the iBook is more than just a capable machine, the G3 processor runs very smoothly under Jaguar. And in the price range, category type of laptop it is I would say it is the best bargain per performance etc. Plus it looks way cool. Like I said though, you can go to any store and check out the pc's to see how they act, so you should really make your way to the closest apple store to witness what the machines are like firsthand.:D


macrumors 601
Jan 14, 2002
South Dakota, USA
Originally posted by demonx
Im in the same dilema, thinking hard about the Ibook, but don't want to shed out this kind of cash on a processor that may only last another year if that before it starts to cry.:(

Friends keep telling me to pick up a wintel notebook to get more performance for the price(which they are right) but of course I want to try out OSX.:mad:

In fact, just because it is called a G3 the processor in the new iBook is a pretty new design, and I am still using a 3 year old iMac at runs anything great. Get the 700 and stick a good deal of RAM in it and enjoy Jaguar. I love it!!!!! Oh l love my iBook! hehe You will too...just do it and forget all the rumors and this and that...


macrumors regular
Oct 20, 2002
Now comes the delema between the 12 inch or 14 inch screen:p
If the 14inch compromises looks for the tad bigger screen then forget it heh.

The nearest apple store is a bit of a drive from me, so getting to play with one hands on is not an option:(


macrumors 6502a
May 7, 2001
I am in a unique position, I actually bought the 667 G4 Powerbook. I thought I would need the power, the screen, the dual display option. Nope. I never did. After just one week, i realized i had made a 2500 mistake. And, I took the laptop to japan that week, and i had a very tough time using it on a plane.... it was just too big.

[edit: I returned the powerbook and bought a 16mb 600mhz ibook]

I am like you, i have a desktop mac, and i use my ibook as a wireless portal to the web, i use it for typing papers, and for e-mail. come on, who are you kidding? What do you need the power for? Are you Tim "Tool-time" Taylor? Do you need power just for the sake of having power? And some do. I cant argue that pros dont need power, some really do. But i didnt

So, I returned my powerbook, bought an ibook 600 with the 16mb video card. I love it. Oh, and one more thing.... when you sit on the couch and surf the web, the ibook is so much cooler. Really.... it is cooler. THe ti book got so hot, it was uncomfortable to use. Very uncomfortable. So much so that, I didnt use it on my lap. Now the ibook, it is very comfy.

And.... with the money i saved, i went out and bought my first fly fishing rod and reels with the money i saved. I now have a computer that rocks (for my purposes) and I can fly fish and have a ball doing that.


macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 27, 2002
OK - I'm feeling better about my soon to arrive iBook. Thank you to everyone who has written in. Obviously it won't be as fast as a PB, but it will run the Jaguar just as well (which isn't necessarily what I've heard in other places - i.e. G4 much better in these regards). Also, I do want to put it on my lap and don't like the suggestion that the PB gets too hot.

However, I still haven't heard anyone say how much of a difference there is between the 14" and 12" iBooks both aesthetically and otherwise.



macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 27, 2002
One other thing - which has better Airport reception the 14" iBook or a PB?



macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 27, 2002
I'm on the Apple website and just realized that a 12" iBook equally configured to the specs I ordered on the 14" iBook is $100 more? Go figure. Anyone have an explanation?



macrumors 6502a
May 7, 2001
regarding airport range, i dont know. I use airport in a small apartment, and obviously, it works great.

as far as the 14 and 12 inch ibooks. they have the same resolution, meaning, you see the same amount of stuff on the screen, it is just bigger on the 14. I like the 12 inch because it is so portable, and easy to handle. but to each their own. go to comp usa, or an apple store if you have one near, and look for yourself. what do you like?


macrumors regular
Mar 7, 2002
Even with messing with the antenna on the PowerBook the iBook has better reception.

What are you planning on doing with those 11mp images? If it is heavy image work then the PB may be what you need because of enhanced photoshop speed thanks to altivec. If it is just some auto-levels, red-eye removal, cropping and such the iBook will be totally fine.

The iBook is a great portable for mac users. The PB is a more than decent desktop replacement for mac users.


macrumors regular
Jun 22, 2002
Ottawa, ON, Canada
If you're working with detailed art/image editing, you may want the 14" iBook, as the larger pixel size may work in your favour (i.e. you know exactly where you're applying a change to the image, without having to zoom in). Likewise, if your eyesight is particularly bad, you may appreciate the screen size.

The 12" iBook is probably better in every other circumstance. The pixel density is much sharper, so pixelization isn't as noticeable. The size and weight will also make it more convenient for travelling.

Naturally, the "ideal" would be a Powerbook, but don't torture yourself. It may not be worthwhile unless you have special needs.


macrumors 604
Jul 16, 2002
back in NYC!
The tibook is pretty durable. Some people are saying that it is very fragile, but that isn't completely true. You can't throw off a cliff or anything, but it is durable enough not to have to take special care not to break it. Just wanted to let you know that you shouldn't be afraid of getting the tibook because of durability issues.


macrumors 601
Jan 14, 2002
South Dakota, USA
If the 14" is less $$$ get it for sure, unless portability is an issue. In that case a 12" would be better. I like my 12" 600MHz, I just wish I had the new processor and video card. Oh well I still love it, but I am a bit jeolous of your 14" 700Mhz.

Does anyone know if they ever ran a speed test comparing an iBook 600 with the 750cx processor to the iBook 600 with the 750fx. Is there much difference?


macrumors 6502a
May 29, 2002
32° 44' N 117° 10' W
Originally posted by mdouglas
One other thing - which has better Airport reception the 14" iBook or a PB?


The iBook has a lot better reception than the TiBook because it has dual vertical antennas, which are located in the display, unlike the TiBook, which antennas are horizontally opposed!!!

Over all, I would cancel the order and wait until Nov. 5, just so you won’t be pissed off, when you find out that Apple has slash the price on the TiBook!! Besides you don’t need the iBook right now cause you have the iMac!! ;) ;) :D :cool:


macrumors 6502a
May 29, 2002
32° 44' N 117° 10' W
Originally posted by buffsldr
I took the laptop to japan that week, and i had a very tough time using it on a plane.... it was just too big.
Too big??? I use my TiBook on the Airplane all the time!!!
What type of problem did you have?:confused: :confused:


macrumors newbie
Oct 23, 2002
Re: ibook dilemna - powerbook rumors pertinent

Originally posted by mdouglas
...I bought the iMac to get us initiated into the Apple system and the iBook to use as a peripheral internet portal (wireless) and to have as a hard-drive depot for photos taken in the field. ... As I do digital work (soon to be 11mp images), I thought that a G4 processor might be really nice.

It sounds like you are a professional or semi-professional photographer with a high end digital camera setup... and that in the field, you are only going to be transferring the images off of the camera onto the iBook for storage. If this is the case, then you really cannot benefit from the G4 PowerBook except for maybe a faster hard drive transfer rate (but not by much).

If it was me, I would cancel the order for three reasons...
1) The 12"/700mhz model is the one I would choose for portability. The other major difference between the 12 and 14 is that 14" has a 30gb harddrive instead of the 20gb. Also, did you order the "custom" 14" WITHOUT the CD-burner?
2) I would wait for November 5, just to see.
3) The iBook and the Powerbook are nearly at the end of their product life cycles. They are going to be refreshed NO LATER THAN JANUARY, but most likely earlier.

I have the money in the bank right now waiting for the new iBook to come out so I can buy it (the 12"). It is really hard to wait because I just got the money, and I know that it is at the end of the lifecycle. The other option is getting a refurbished model.

Originally posted by mdouglas
Eventually, I will get a Power Mac.

I am a Graphic Designer, and I have a PowerMac G4 400 at home. With your iMac, you really don't need to buy a PowerMac UNLESS you need a larger or multiple screens. If you really think that you will need this, then return the iMac and get a PowerMac Tower. The current low end PowerMac DP is far more powerful than the iMac. Get a 19" Sony or LaCie monitor for around $400 and you are set!

Honestly, if you think you need power, get the PowerMac desktop and the iBook for travel and your leisure.


macrumors 6502a
May 29, 2002
32° 44' N 117° 10' W
Re: Re: ibook dilemna - powerbook rumors pertinent

Originally posted by knighthawk

I have the money in the bank right now waiting for the new iBook to come out so I can buy it (the 12"). It is really hard to wait because I just got the money, and I know that it is at the end of the lifecycle. The other option is getting a refurbished model.

I bet you’re pockets are burning huh??

;) :p :D


macrumors 65816
Mar 31, 2002
Maryland, USA
Originally posted by mdouglas
One other thing - which has better Airport reception the 14" iBook or a PB?


The iBook...The Powerbook Airport reception issues while somewhat resolved:

Still if you want to be assured good airport reception,
I'd stick with the iBook.

If videoram and PCMCIA expandibility are important to you, I'd get the Powerbook.

The 14" iBook by the way is actually overkill in some ways because it is a little more than a pound heavier than the iBook and just under a pound heavier than the Powerbook. Its screen pixel density is less than the 12" iBook or 15" Powerbook. The only good thing about the 14" iBook is the fact text will appear larger at 1024 x 768 than the iBook 12" but not larger than the Powerbook, and of course you get the extra hour of battery, but all these machines have about a 5 second wait between swapping batteries when the lid is closed. Something else to note, it isn't wise to keep the Powerbook or iBook asleep when in motion, the drive heads don't park unless you shut down the machines. So before you go out the door, shut down the notebook to make the hard drive last longer. At least both support Firewire for external hard drives.


macrumors 6502a
May 29, 2002
32° 44' N 117° 10' W
Originally posted by gopher

It isn't wise to keep the Powerbook or iBook asleep when in motion, the drive heads don't park unless you shut down the machines. So before you go out the door, shut down the notebook to make the hard drive last longer.

That’s totally untrue, When you put a notebook to sleep, the hard drive cease spinning and the heads park to reduce power consumption!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :p


macrumors 6502
Jul 22, 2002
Los Angeles
For running basic photo-processing stuff for family pix, and doing word processing and other general "computer stuff", a G3 is a great ass-kicker of a processor and for the price compared to the G4 product out there, it's a no-brainer. My 450MHz G3 is, even today, a remarkably capable machine. With nearly twice that power in the ibook's G3, you will surprise everyone if you run out of CPU power doing what it is you say you're buying the computer for; on the other hand, if you're planning on running Final Cut or something really intense like that, you may be better off buying a used G4 PowerBook if you don't want to pay premium for a new one.
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