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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 13, 2013
I'm on a hackintosh laptop running Yosemite 10.10.1 w/ X3100 graphics. I found X3100 64-bit kexts that do appear to load, and are shown loaded in kextstat. I see QE & CoreImage seemingly working; screensavers Flurry & LotsaWater are smooth & normal, has full functionality in 3d, so I'm assuming I have QE & CoreImage.
OpenGL doesn't appear to work. OpenGL Extensions Viewer tests show horrible frame rates in single digits.
Maps crashes, VLC has no video, only audio. Google Earth works but seems to slow system, jerky zoom, etc.
It seems "so close" to fully functional, any OpenGL patches for X3100 would be extremely appreciated.


macrumors 6502
Apr 11, 2013
How about Safari on web sites with lots of graphics animations or CTRL-UP/CTRL-DOWN/CTRL-LEFT/CTRL-RIGHT actions? All smooth? Can you open DVDPlayer? If so, check the supported features (through Help menu). If you have full graphics support/acceleration, you'll get same report as per attached screenshot.

If you have Apple Developper Tools (XCode), try & run the Quartz Debug app, that's supposed to activate QuartzGL, deactivated by default since ML I understand... But I doubt it'll change anything. For OpenGL, it's not a matter of patches, it's a matter of libraries used by the OS, most notably newer ones (OpenGL3.3, OpenGL4.x, OpenCL). If the underlying GPU is not compatible, there's nothing to be done. Unless some sort of God pretends he can rewrite ML/Mav/Yos (this extends to apps provided with the OS) to call only on libraries previously used in say SL or Lion. :rolleyes: But then, just run SL or Lion...

Intel GMA950/X3100 support OpenGL up to v1.4/v2.1 only. You may find the following OpenGL GPU comparison interesting:

SL was mostly relying on OpenGL2.1 and Lion introduced support for some OpenGL3.2 features. From ML, Apple decided to shake up & modernise the graphics capabilities of its OS and target OpenGL4.


  • DVD-Player_supported-features.jpg
    44.1 KB · Views: 3,035
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macrumors newbie
Jan 21, 2015
Jakarta, Indonesia
EDIT: THANK YOU SO MUCH IT WORKS!!!!, I'm just install the kext normally and i got a blackscreen, and then i set GraphicsEnabler=No and now my laptop can run the graphics well!! :eek:

I'm on a hackintosh laptop running Yosemite 10.10.1 w/ X3100 graphics. I found X3100 64-bit kexts that do appear to load, and are shown loaded in kextstat. I see QE & CoreImage seemingly working; screensavers Flurry & LotsaWater are smooth & normal, has full functionality in 3d, so I'm assuming I have QE & CoreImage.
OpenGL doesn't appear to work. OpenGL Extensions Viewer tests show horrible frame rates in single digits.
Maps crashes, VLC has no video, only audio. Google Earth works but seems to slow system, jerky zoom, etc.
It seems "so close" to fully functional, any OpenGL patches for X3100 would be extremely appreciated.
Hey, I have laptop that also running intel X3100 but its detected as intel 965GM my laptop is Compaq Presario V3700. so you got the graphic controller working on yours?, can you give me guide how to make it work?
are you just follow the tutorial on the page 1 and then this:

I don't know? I downloaded these 64-bit x3100 kexts from here:

On my Dell Inspiron 1525 w/x3100 running Yosemite 10.10.1 I appear to have full graphics acceleration. I've checked several ways: I've looked at all the screensaver such as Lotsawater & Flurry, they're fine. I've used Launchpad with the Option key to jiggle all the little icons. I've played Chess with the 3d rotation in voice command. All works fine. Acceleration seems intact.

When I start, in the verbose dialog I see the driver.x3100 kext panic, and list a couple other kexts like IOPCI in the dependencies of the short panic text, but after the boot completes, with I run Terminal kextstat I see that both the x3100 driver & framebuffer are loaded correctly, and my acceleration test good in everything I can thing of, other than Flash Player. When Adobe Flash Player or has an embedded frame within a Safari Facebook window, the playback of the video is sometimes slightly wrong, sometimes black w/audio, sometimes white w/audio, sometimes normal. When black or white, the overlays are correct, including ads. If I uncheck the box "Use Graphics Acceleration" in the Flash Player settings only then do the embedded windows play correctly.

Without these x3100 kexts my graphics were showing as x3100 4MB instead of x3100 144MB.

AFAIK I believe I have full 64-bit Yosemite x3100 acceleration. I used Yosemite Zone installer on an AMD Desktop PC, upgraded to 10.10.1 without issues, and then cloned that system onto the Inspiron 1525 SSD, changing the kernel, the SMBIOS, DSDT, etc. to the correct ones for the Intel Inspiron instead of the AMD desktop. Right now, I believe I have 100% functionality with the exception of iMessages sign-in, and a little bit finicky ALPS trackpad. I have 100% sound, 98% video, no crashing apps. I thought this Inspiron 1525 was DONE at 10.8.5 using kexts modified by SFOTT running 32-bit, I NEVER expected to run 64-bit Yosemite on this old laptop, but so far it's cruising fine... thanks to the kexts from the above download.
Thanks ;)
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macrumors 6502
Sep 3, 2014
How about Safari on web sites with lots of graphics animations or CTRL-UP/CTRL-DOWN/CTRL-LEFT/CTRL-RIGHT actions? All smooth? Can you open DVDPlayer? If so, check the supported features (through Help menu).

If you have Apple Developper Tools (XCode), try & run the Quartz Debug app, that's supposed to activate QuartzGL, deactivated by default since ML I understand... But I doubt it'll change anything. For OpenGL, it's not a matter of patches, it's a matter of libraries used by the OS, most notably newer ones (OpenGL3.3, OpenGL4.x, OpenCL). If the underlying GPU is not compatible, there's nothing to be done. Unless some sort of God pretends he can rewrite ML/Mav/Yos (this extends to apps provided with the OS) to call only on libraries previously used in say SL or Lion. :rolleyes: But then, just run SL or Lion...

Intel GMA950/X3100 support OpenGL up to v1.4/v2.1 only. You may find the following OpenGL GPU comparison interesting:

SL was mostly relying on OpenGL2.1 and Lion introduced support for some OpenGL3.2 features. From ML, Apple decided to shake up & modernise the graphics capabilities of its OS and target OpenGL4.

Hey, you should included this Intel GMA X3100 Kext on the page one it works fine on my hackintosh Compaq Presario V3700 (and maybe it will also work for older macs)
Proof: Image

Try what RV-ABZ said and let us know ;)


macrumors 6502
Apr 11, 2013
@archer999: GMA X3100 = Intel GM965 graphics! It's the integrated graphics chip of the 965 chipset...

Can you please post a screenshot of the DVDPlayer supported features?
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macrumors 6502
Apr 11, 2013
So, as could be expected, all you really have is FrameBuffer support, not full graphics acceleration which you will just never ever get. Sorry.
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macrumors newbie
Mar 31, 2015
Yosemite Flags and personalize on dell inspiron 1525

EDIT: THANK YOU SO MUCH IT WORKS!!!!, I'm just install the kext normally and i got a blackscreen, and then i set GraphicsEnabler=No and now my laptop can run the graphics well!! :eek:
Proof: Image

Hey, I have laptop that also running intel X3100 but its detected as intel 965GM my laptop is Compaq Presario V3700. so you got the graphic controller working on yours?, can you give me guide how to make it work?
are you just follow the tutorial on the page 1 and then this:

Thanks ;)

Hey Archer999, please could you tell me what flags you used to boot the USB stick and which items you checked in the personalization field at the time of installation ?


macrumors newbie
Apr 7, 2016
Guys, the link for the kext is broken. Can someone please post it here please. I believe I have the same Graphics, X3100 aka 965GM. Please help!


macrumors 6502
Apr 11, 2013
The 64bit GMAX3100 + IntelFramebuffer kexts are found in the 10.6.2 Combo update, itself available for download off Apple's web site. You can extract the kexts from the Combo dmg with Pacifist app.

However, you'd be wasting your time as you will never gain full graphics acceleration with those kexts, merely partial frame buffer support, i.e. screen res and res switching and that's about it. Graphics will remain totally laggy and you'll have no wake from sleep.


macrumors newbie
Apr 7, 2016
Thanks @RV-ABZ. I'll take what I can get. I already have it installed and laggy. Hopefully it will be less laggy and at least wide screen resolution. Nothing to lose at this point. Will figure out that pacifist thingy.

I'm still hoping Archer will just give me the kexts. The reason is I found some and tried it, and even with GraphicsEnabler=No, IGPEnabler=Yes, I got black screen. Need to know exact kexts. Then funny thing is I don't see the kexts / bundles in S/L/E. It's like they disappeared but still lurking somewhere and I have to do complete reinstall.
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macrumors newbie
Nov 2, 2016
EDIT: THANK YOU SO MUCH IT WORKS!!!!, I'm just install the kext normally and i got a blackscreen, and then i set GraphicsEnabler=No and now my laptop can run the graphics well!! :eek:

Hey, I have laptop that also running intel X3100 but its detected as intel 965GM my laptop is Compaq Presario V3700. so you got the graphic controller working on yours?, can you give me guide how to make it work?
are you just follow the tutorial on the page 1 and then this:

Thanks ;)

Hello buddy
Can we get a working link to these kexts
As it'll b very helpfull

And one thing which can come handy for everyone who are stuck with x3100

See here
Now Yosemite is pretty smooth genie effect works like charm

So combination of 144mb graphics + beamoff VS 3 mb graphic + beamoff
I think first one is better

So please guys provide me with a working link of these x3100 kexts

I just wanna try it out

N u can also go ahead n try beamoff
N post the result here
Hope this helps


macrumors 68030
Dec 27, 2015
Sorry to rush in, I am totally new to the hackintosh scene but: is that a way to get yosemite on a Macbook Air 1.1 ?


macrumors newbie
Mar 17, 2020
Hi guys, can u help me with my Mac book 4,1 early my audio working with x3100 kext from the topic of Yosemite on old macs, but i tried everything to get my acceleration to work, but nothing, can u help me to find the correct kexts to use to get my card recognized? I have Montior 6mb in system info...thank you
I'm on Yosemite 10.10.5


macrumors newbie
May 3, 2021
Hi guys, can u help me with my Mac book 4,1 early my audio working with x3100 kext from the topic of Yosemite on old macs, but i tried everything to get my acceleration to work, but nothing, can u help me to find the correct kexts to use to get my card recognized? I have Montior 6mb in system info...thank you
I'm on Yosemite 10.10.5
Same problem. I also have a MacBook 4.1 2008 and my system also shows a 6MB Monitor. Guys help PLEAAAAAASEEE!
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