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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 7, 2012
I've been using the Vision Pro for a while now and I've noticed something interesting. While I have no issues when watching videos or looking at images, and I can read text without any problems, I do experience eye fatigue during tasks that involve prolonged reading, such as going through a long PDF or coding.

I'm curious if others have experienced similar issues or have any insights on this.


macrumors 603
Feb 10, 2014
I've been using the Vision Pro for a while now and I've noticed something interesting. While I have no issues when watching videos or looking at images, and I can read text without any problems, I do experience eye fatigue during tasks that involve prolonged reading, such as going through a long PDF or coding.

I'm curious if others have experienced similar issues or have any insights on this.
I don’t own a VP and I’m not sure why there is more of an issue with text than with video, but from what I’ve heard and gathered, eye fatigue in VP is usually caused from prolonged periods without blinking and without changing focus distance. The rule is apparently 20-20-20: every twenty minutes you should focus twenty feet away for twenty seconds. And don’t forget to blink.

The issue exists with regular screens too except it’s easier to look away and therefore more common to do so. But if one doesn’t look away, it can actually be worse with regular screens because counter intuitively the focal distance for those (about 1-3ft) is shorter than with VP and most headsets (about 6ft).
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macrumors 68000
Sep 21, 2018
Yep I try to remind myself to blink and it does help both clarity and any feeling of dry eye


macrumors 6502
Oct 23, 2014
I've been using the Vision Pro for a while now and I've noticed something interesting. While I have no issues when watching videos or looking at images, and I can read text without any problems, I do experience eye fatigue during tasks that involve prolonged reading, such as going through a long PDF or coding.

I'm curious if others have experienced similar issues or have any insights on this.
Yes. Text is quiet hard to handle for my brain too. I don’t know if its the unsharpness when moving my eyes, but it feels uncomfortable even after short periods of time
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