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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 11, 2018
I've run my SE 2020 into the ground- it's no longer usable. I've temporarily switched to a cheap Android but that's not going to work long term. So I know I need to buy a new iPhone but I'm also especially price conscious and so will probably need to buy a used device. I'm wondering what people think about the current choices. I've long struggled with the SE's screen size and would like something a little bigger. So that rules out the SE 2022. It appears that used iPhone 14 in decent condition with +/- 90% battery life runs approximately $450 in the used market at the moment. I don't think I'd go older than that because of the jump in RAM starting with the 14. Despite my struggles with the Android device, I'm also contemplating holding out until September to see what used 15's may come down to. Since I have to spend the money, my main focus would be to maximize the price per potential years of support from Apple. I don't have any interest in AI or any of the newest features. Any suggestions? Should we expect the price of an iPhone 15 to come down substantially when the 16s are released? If not, would a 14 at this juncture make sense? Thanks very much!


Moderator emeritus
Jun 25, 2002
I would wait for the iPhone 16 to see how the iPhone 14 and 15 are priced. In October, the iPhone 14 should be priced about the same as the iPhone 13 is priced right now.

If you're stuck on Android, go with OnePlus or Samsung.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 11, 2018
Wow, I really had not bothered to consider Android as a long term solution but I'm finding that a year-old pixel with 6 years of support is less than $200. Maybe I should look into these a bit more. I like the iPhone but the price differential is unreal. Thanks for the suggestions.


macrumors 65816
Jul 16, 2020
Wow, I really had not bothered to consider Android as a long term solution but I'm finding that a year-old pixel with 6 years of support is less than $200. Maybe I should look into these a bit more. I like the iPhone but the price differential is unreal. Thanks for the suggestions.

Well.. iPhone 14 and iPhone 15 are all recent iPhones, of course price is higher.

If you are looking for cheap iPhones, consider iPhone 12 series. This would be good option.

Google Pixel 6 Pro would also a good option if you are looking for Android alternative.


macrumors member
Jan 10, 2024
Should we expect the price of an iPhone 15 to come down substantially when the 16s are released? If not, would a 14 at this juncture make sense? Thanks very much!
If you are talking about new phones, generally when new models are released the price drops $100 on the last base model. This year the 15 may drop more because it doesn't support AI. Apple sticks to their prices until the bitter end the 13 is still only $100 less than the 14.

I'm essentially doing the same thing - I have an iPhone 12 and if the 15 drops $200 I will buy it. If it only drops $100 I will buy a 16. If you want to save more than $100-$200 (again new) with a 14 you should probably move quickly once the 16 is out if you want color, storage, etc.
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