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macrumors 603
Sep 3, 2003
North Carolina
This is very cool. A lot of speculation at Slashdot that Apple will upgrade the firmware to disable this software, but I don't see why they would do that. It doesn't hurt sales of Airport Express or iTunes music, so it seems like Apple would be happy to have it.

mad jew

Moderator emeritus
Apr 3, 2004
Adelaide, Australia
wordmunger said:
This is very cool. A lot of speculation at Slashdot that Apple will upgrade the firmware to disable this software, but I don't see why they would do that. It doesn't hurt sales of Airport Express or iTunes music, so it seems like Apple would be happy to have it.

Wouldn't it be more likely that they'll put the feature into an upgraded firmware soon? Just judging by their actions with widgets and Tiger... ;)


macrumors 68020
May 7, 2003
Saint Augustine, FL
Note that this make DVD/Movie playback possible now.

First, use VLC.

THen, in Preferences->Audio, enter in some values for Audio Desynchronization Compensation. Takes patience, but, for me, it's better than dragging around a 8mm audio cable.


macrumors 68040
Apr 24, 2003
mainstreetmark said:
Note that this make DVD/Movie playback possible now.

First, use VLC.

THen, in Preferences->Audio, enter in some values for Audio Desynchronization Compensation. Takes patience, but, for me, it's better than dragging around a 8mm audio cable.

My understanding was that there is significant latency when playing through AirTunes. Do you know if this helps fix that problem?


macrumors 68020
Jan 23, 2005
This is very cool... there are a ton of uses for stuff like this...

Apple may disable it, but if they created software for this the AEx can be very profitable, more than it currently is...

BUT can't other routers already do this? (cough linksys)


macrumors 6502a
Dec 18, 2003
Apple would have no reason to disable this unless they decide to build it into Tiger and want to sell more units thereof -- and frankly, it'd be worth buying Tiger for something like that.


macrumors member
Jul 19, 2002

Since it's free, I'll try it out, and if there are are sync problems... no biggie. If not, then I've got something sweet for nothing.


macrumors 68030
May 7, 2002
2 Much Infinite Loops
maybe my brain's not really working right now, but, i do not really see a reason to use this program.

stream from realplayer? i don't even have that program installed.

vlc... hmm. don't get it.


macrumors 603
Jul 3, 2004
Mac since 7.5
gregnacu said:
Since it's free, I'll try it out, and if there are are sync problems... no biggie. If not, then I've got something sweet for nothing.

Well, you've got something that will be sweet for 10 minutes, which is how long the audio signal remains clear if you don't pony up the $25 to buy the program. Without buying the software, the signal begins to degrade at 10 minutes, getting progressively worse over time. At least, according to the info on the web site .


macrumors G5
Jun 6, 2003
Solon, OH
I don't use AirTunes, since I lack a sound system within range of my AirPort Express, and therefore have nothing to connect the audio cable to. I like this idea of enabling any application (even CocoModX, an application I use) to make use of AirTunes technology.


macrumors 6502
Mar 25, 2005
I have been waiting for a App like this ever since AEx came out. First use is with VLC, but how `bout using it for apps like Logic, or Cubase? Let the DJ's unhook and mix from across the room.. I bought AirFoil as soon as it was available. I use RealPlayer to listen to some streams not available for iTunes, so being able to listen to any App on my living room stereo is great. Way to go Rouge Amoeba with another great peice of software.(Audio Hijack rocks). I hope Apple embraces this technology, it should be a built-in feature of Tiger (maybe a Widget in Dashboard?)


macrumors G5
Jun 6, 2003
Solon, OH
strydr said:
I have been waiting for a App like this ever since AEx came out. First use is with VLC, but how `bout using it for apps like Logic, or Cubase? Let the DJ's unhook and mix from across the room.. I bought AirFoil as soon as it was available. I use RealPlayer to listen to some streams not available for iTunes, so being able to listen to any App on my living room stereo is great. Way to go Rouge Amoeba with another great peice of software.(Audio Hijack rocks). I hope Apple embraces this technology, it should be a built-in feature of Tiger (maybe a Widget in Dashboard?)
Why not use Audio Hijack together with this application to make it even MORE powerful? I should register Audio Hijack...
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