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macrumors 601
Original poster
Jun 30, 2005
I want to make a website of a designer showcasing his work. A site that looks like this. What web design app can i use? Wordpress perhaps?


macrumors 601
Original poster
Jun 30, 2005
Is this site created by Square Space? If it isnt, can i know by what app its created? Wordpress? Jumla? Else?
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macrumors 68020
Aug 4, 2008
Not sure what particular tools, if any, that site is built with, because it's behind a CDN, but you could probably build it with SquareSpace (I'm not too familiar with the platform), and definitely with WordPress if you know how to use it.


macrumors newbie
Jul 7, 2023
Squarespace offers designer-friendly templates that are easy to customize. WordPress gives extensive flexibility with thousands of themes and plugins to tailor the site. I believe both are great choices for building sites like the one you linked. I have a general suggestion here. For showcasing design work in a style of the website you gave as an example, I think webpage screenshots would be a good choice. They give potential clients a clear and professional view of the projects. You might need a screenshot api for capturing high-quality screenshots of the websites you want to feature. It makes a difference and ensures the designer's work is presented in the best possible light. At least that's how I usually do it for similar projects (in case it helps, I use this screenshot api and I would definitely recommend it).
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