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What's on our Holiday Gift List?

November 2023
By Kaeley Sullins

At Fauna Foundation, our mission is to provide the best care possible for our beloved residents. We deeply appreciate the generosity and support we receive from our community, and today, we want to shed light on the benefit of donating monetary donations over donating or purchasing physical items. Monetary donations offer flexibility and empowerment that greatly enhance our ability to care for our residents effectively.

The Freedom of Financial Contributions

When it comes to supporting Fauna Foundation, we believe that financial contributions are incredibly valuable. Monetary donations provide us with the flexibility to address our residents' ever-changing needs. This adaptability allows us to provide essentials promptly, ensuring that our residents have everything they require for their well-being and comfort.

A Greener Way to Give

Receiving monetary donations streamlines our process, and enables us to efficiently allocate resources where they're needed most. It’s also greener way to give since we can shop in bulk and avoid the environmental impacts of packing and shipping.

Other Giving Options

In addition to one-time cash donations and gift cards, Fauna Foundation offers several other meaningful ways to contribute:

  • Adopt a Chimp: Symbolically adopt a chimp through our Adopt-a-Chimp program, providing ongoing support for their care and well-being.
  • Giving Monthly: Make a recurring monthly donation to provide consistent support for our residents.
  • Giving in Dedication: Dedicate a donation in honor, remembrance, tribute, or celebration of a loved one.
  • Planned Giving: Consider including Fauna Foundation in your will or bequests to ensure the future care of our residents.

At Fauna Foundation, our commitment to the well-being of our residents remains unwavering. We are immensely grateful for the support we receive, and we believe that transitioning to monetary donations will empower us to continue providing the best care possible. Your generosity directly contributes to the lives of the remarkable beings under our care, enabling us to meet their unique needs and provide them with a safe and enriching environment.

Thank you for your ongoing support and  dedication to our mission. With your help, we can ensure that our residents thrive and continue to inspire us every day.

So to answer the question, What's on our holiday gift list... it's CASH!

Sometimes people would rather give things other than money. We do have an Amazon Wish List and for sending directly object directly to Fauna, please first check information about what items we need here

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