Akismet Anti-spam: Spam Protection


Nejlěpšy antispamowy šćit za blokěrowanje spamowych komentarow a spama w kontaktowem formularje. Dowěry nejgódnjejše antispamowe rozwězanje za WordPress a WooCommerce.

Akismet waše komentary a zapódaśa kontaktnego formulara z našeju globalneju spamoweju datoweju banku pśirownujo, aby wašomu sedłoju wózawjanje złosnego wopśimjeśa zawoborał. Móžośo komentarowy spam, kótryž Akismet namakajo, na administratorowej wobrazowce „Komentary“ swójogo bloga pśekontrolěrowaś.

Głowne funkcije Akismeta su:

  • Pśeglědujo wšykne komentary a wufiltrujo te, kótarež ako spam wuglědaju.
  • Kuždy komentar ma statusowu historiju, aby wy mógał lažko wiźeś, kótare komentary su se namakali abo wulašowali pśez Akismet a kótare su byli spam a kótare jo moderator wóznamjenił ako njespam.
  • URL se we wopśimjeśu komentara pokazuju, aby se schowane abo błuźece wótkaze namakali.
  • Moderatory mógu licbu pśizwólonych komentarow kuždego wužywarja wiźeś.
  • Zachyśeńska funkcija, kótaraž nejgóršy spam ned blokěrujo, aby platowy rum zažariła a wašo sedło póspěšyła.

PS: Napominaju wam se API-kluc za Akismet.com wobstaraś a jen wužywaś, gaž jo aktiwěrowany. Kluce su dermotne za wósobinske blogi; abonementy z płaśenim su za pśedewześa a komercielne sedła k dispoziciji.


Nagrajśo tykac Akismet k swójomu blogoju, aktiwěrujśo jen a zapódajśo pón swój API-kluc za Akismet.com.

1, 2, 3: Sćo gótowy!


21. maja 2024
Quality antispam with fast, friendly and helpful support team. It’s saving our project coordinators a headache – before having Akismet, we’d been receiving waves of spam from all our project websites. Thank you for your kindness towards nonprofits like us!
16. maja 2024
Thanks for the prompt reply to my support ticket. Everything is working great. Awesome product for nonprofit users.
Read all 1.019 reviews

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Release Date – 10 July 2024

  • Make setup step clearer for new users.
  • Remove the stats section from the configuration page if the site has been revoked from the key.
  • Skip the Akismet comment check when the comment matches something in the disallowed list.
  • Prompt users on legacy plans to contact Akismet support for upgrades.


Release Date – 21 March 2024

  • Improve the empty state shown to new users when no spam has been caught yet.
  • Update the message shown to users without a current subscription.
  • Add foundations for future webhook support.


Release Date – 17 January 2024

  • Make the plugin more resilient when asset files are missing (as seen in WordPress Playground).
  • Add a link to the ‚Account overview‘ page on akismet.com.
  • Fix a minor error that occurs when another plugin removes all comment actions from the dashboard.
  • Add the akismet_request_args filter to allow request args in Akismet API requests to be filtered.
  • Fix a bug that causes some contact forms to include unnecessary data in the comment_content parameter.


Release Date – 14 September 2023

  • Improve display of user notices.
  • Add stylesheets for RTL languages.
  • Remove initial disabled state from ‚Save changes‘ button.
  • Improve accessibility of API key entry form.
  • Add new filter hooks for Fluent Forms.
  • Fix issue with PHP 8.1 compatibility.


Release Date – 21 June 2023

  • Visual refresh of Akismet stats.
  • Improve PHP 8.1 compatibility.
  • Improve appearance of plugin to match updated stats.
  • Change minimum supported PHP version to 5.6 to match WordPress.
  • Drop IE11 support and update minimum WordPress version to 5.8 (where IE11 support was removed from WP Core).


Release Date – 20 March 2023

  • Removed unnecessary limit notices from admin page.
  • Improved spam detection by including post taxonomies in the comment-check call.
  • Removed API keys from stats iframes to avoid possible inadvertent exposure.


Release Date – 1 December 2022

  • Improved compatibility with themes that hide or show UI elements based on mouse movements.
  • Increased security of API keys by sending them in request bodies instead of subdomains.


Release Date – 28 September 2022

  • Added an empty state for the Statistics section on the admin page.
  • Fixed a bug that broke some admin page links when Jetpack plugins are active.
  • Marked some event listeners as passive to improve performance in newer browsers.
  • Disabled interaction observation on forms that post to other domains.


Release Date – 26 July 2022

  • Added a new feature to catch spammers by observing how they interact with the page.


Release Date – 11 July 2022

  • Fixed a bug that added unnecessary comment history entries after comment rechecks.
  • Added a notice that displays when WP-Cron is disabled and might be affecting comment rechecks.


Release Date – 20 May 2022

  • Improved translator instructions for comment history.
  • Bumped the „Tested up to“ tag to WP 6.0.


Release Date – 25 April 2022

  • Improved compatibility with Fluent Forms
  • Fixed missing translation domains
  • Updated stats URL.
  • Improved accessibility of elements on the config page.


Release Date – 24 January 2022

  • Improved compatibility with Formidable Forms
  • Fixed a bug that could cause issues when multiple contact forms appear on one page.
  • Updated delete_comment and deleted_comment actions to pass two arguments to match WordPress core since 4.9.0.
  • Added a filter that allows comment types to be excluded when counting users‘ approved comments.


Release Date – 1 October 2021

  • Fixed a bug causing AMP validation to fail on certain pages with forms.


Release Date – 30 September 2021

  • Added links to additional information on API usage notifications.
  • Reduced the number of network requests required for a comment page when running Akismet.
  • Improved compatibility with the most popular contact form plugins.
  • Improved API usage buttons for clarity on what upgrade is needed.

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