
Practical uses of PHP’s Reflection API

Posted 11 years in | Comments (240)

While I’ve been working on my CM framework, I came to realize how useful PHP’s Reflection actually is during development.
So I wrote two examples: php-highlight, which displays caller source in my custom exception handler, and php-ref, which prints detailed and nicely formatted information about a [...]

New plugin: Ad manager

Posted 12 years in | Comments (144)

It’s still under development, but the current version supports all functionality of the Ads mod from “Mystique” so you might as well use it instead of the mod

Download on
Support Forums (post bug reports / requests here)

A quick screenshot:

In case you’re wondering if you will [...]

New plugin: Post Ratings

Posted 12 years in | Comments (136)

Yet another post rating WordPress plugin
What does it do:

Allow your site users to rate posts (of any kind)
Display the average post rating, vote count or weighted (bayesian) rating within your posts
Display a widget with the top rated posts in your sidebar

A few screenshots:

Download on [...]

Featured images (thumbnails) in menus

Posted 12 years in | Comments (98)

The following code will let you use featured images as thumbnails in your custom menus. Paste this in your child theme functions.php file, or theme settings > Advanced > User-defined code:

atom()->setContextArgs(‘primary_menu’, array(‘walker’ => new ThumbMenuWalker()));

class ThumbMenuWalker [...]

Custom avatar images in WordPress

Posted 12 years in | Comments (83)

This is a short walktrough on how to let your website users upload their own avatars, without using a plugin.
First, define the maximum image sizes (note that we will only downsize, smaller images will get browser-resized):

define(‘MAX_AVATAR_WIDTH’, 96);
define(‘MAX_AVATAR_HEIGHT’, 96);

This [...]

How to correctly hook your filter to the post content

Posted 12 years in | Comments (85)

I’m seeing a lot of plugins that just hook themselves on the the_content filter tag, without bothering to handle excerpts.
Because get_the_excerpt() / the_excerpt() will call get_the_content() if the post doesn’t have an excerpt set, in many cases you get your filter applied on excerpts as well. [...]

Translating Atom themes from the Dashboard

Posted 12 years in | Comments (66)

As the title says, this is a module that allows you to translate Atom themes from your WordPress Dashboard. The advantage over PoEdit is that the strings are automatically synchronized after theme updates (you don’t need to copy the theme files on your computer and set up paths anymore), and plural [...]

Ajaxify your theme

Posted 12 years in | Comments (82)

This is another module for Atom themes that intercepts clicks for most of the internal links, opens the linked page with Javascript and replaces relevant content into the current page.
- download the module
- upload it into your child theme’s /mods/ folder, and activate it trough the [...]

Extra social-media icons for Mystique 3+

Posted 12 years in | Comments (140)

This is a module for the Mystique theme that adds a few more icons above the menu: Facebook, Flickr, Myspace, Youtube and Lastfm, and changes the existing Twitter and RSS icons.

Installation steps:

Download the module
Unzip it to your /mystique-ext/mods/ folder (the child theme folder); if you [...]

The Mystique update drama

Posted 12 years in | Comments (429)

Did you just update this theme and now your site is completely messed up? Did your widgets disappear, or got all your theme customizations reset ? Then read on…
Mystique is now available in two versions:

a light version, without any settings or custom widgets, which most likely you already have [...]