LinkedIn 领英中国

LinkedIn 领英中国


朝阳区,北京市 1,515,539 位关注者


LinkedIn(领英)作为一家全球领先的职场社交平台,创建于 2003 年,总部位于美国硅谷。领英的愿景是为全球30 亿劳动力中的每一位创造经济机会。截止2023年11月初,领英全球会员总数已超过10亿,覆盖200多个国家和地区。领英于2014年宣布进入中国,持续提供优质的本地化产品和服务。2023年5月,领英调整在中国市场的战略重点,聚焦于帮助中国企业在海外的人才招聘、品牌营销和技能培训上,通过领英人才、营销和学习解决方案业务持续支持中国企业的全球化发展,实现人才国际化、品牌世界化、学习终身化的目标。在中国出海100 强企业中,已经有75%的中国企业与领英展开深度合作。

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LinkedIn 领英中国员工


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    🔍 At the World AI Conference's Talent Summit, Nancy Wang , China Country Manager at LinkedIn shared insights on how AI is disrupting the global labor market, driving workplace changes, and empowering HR. Over the past years, LinkedIn has actively contributed to the transformation of the Chinese talent market. 📈 LinkedIn's data reveals a significant AI transformation in the workplace: nearly doubled use of generative AI and a 142-fold increase in AI skills on LinkedIn profiles. HR professionals play a crucial role in this transformation. 🎯 Nancy highlighted three key areas: data-driven insights 📊, AI-driven talent attraction 🎯, and AI-assisted skill development 📚. LinkedIn's platform offers 22,000+ courses, including 600+ AI training programs, with an AI coach for personalized learning. 🔄 In conclusion, Nancy emphasized that HR is pivotal in the AI-driven workplace transformation. LinkedIn will continue to support enterprises and HR professionals, fostering high-quality, sustainable global talent competitiveness. #AIandHR #TalentManagement

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    【LinkedIn Observation】Challenges of Chinese Cars Going Global and the Rise of Electric Vehicles 🚗🔋 In 2024, the global automotive industry is poised for significant shifts, presenting both opportunities and challenges. Chinese automotive companies are accelerating their global strategies to tap into broader markets. However, they face hurdles such as cultural differences and market access issues. Amidst this transformation, the electric vehicle (EV) market is rapidly growing, with Sweden, the Netherlands, France, Germany, and Canada leading in EV adoption. This growth is fueled by policies, technological advancements, and intelligent tech. Chinese automakers are adapting to diverse markets from Southeast Asia to Europe and beyond, showcasing strategic flexibility in promoting EVs. Despite positive trends, the EV market faces supply chain issues, rising raw material prices, and sensitive consumer pricing. Yet, significant opportunities lie in driving industry transformation and renewable energy development. Training skilled talent in the EV sector is crucial, with countries like Sweden, Indonesia, and India leading the way. Additionally, increasing the proportion of renewable energy in power structures is vital for sustainable growth. The rise of EVs marks an essential milestone in the green transformation of global transportation. With joint efforts from governments, companies, and investors, the sustainable development of the EV market can achieve tremendous environmental and economic benefits. #ElectricVehicles #ChineseCarsGoingGlobal #GreenTransformation

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    We are thrilled to announce that our country manager, Nancy Wang, will be a key speaker at 世界人工智能大会(WAIC), scheduled for July 6th. This year's WAIC theme, "Governing AI for Good and for All," perfectly aligns with our mission at LinkedIn.   Nancy will be sharing her insights at the AI Talent Forum themed "AI Gathering Energy, Talent without Boundaries", focusing on how AI can revolutionize talent acquisition and retention, thus driving global business expansion. At LinkedIn, we believe that harnessing AI's power is crucial for building resilient, competitive organizations in an increasingly interconnected world.   Join us to explore the future of AI in the workforce and discover how these advancements can elevate your business. We are committed to fostering innovation and supporting enterprises in leveraging AI to unlock their full potential. We look forward to seeing you there!   #WAIC2024 #WAIC #LinkedInChina #AI #AIgovernance

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    Congratulations to 新疆金风科技股份有限公司 on reaching the impressive milestone of 200,000 LinkedIn followers! This achievement is a testament to Goldwind's global influence as a leading comprehensive clean energy solution provider, and LinkedIn is proud to be on this journey with Goldwind. Wishing you continued success in engaging and inspiring even more followers in the future. Here's to many more milestones ahead!


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    🎉Today, we're overjoyed to share that our LinkedIn following has surpassed the incredible milestone of 200,000 followers! 🚀 We are deeply grateful for the unwavering support and companionship from all of you. #Goldwind will continue to contribute towards a greener future. 🌟Together, we're driving our renewable future. Stay connected for more insights and news. #DrivingOurRenewableFuture

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    🌍 Navigating the Global Stage with AI: LinkedIn China's Strategic Transformation for Chinese Enterprises As 2024 begins, expanding overseas operations has become a core strategic goal for Chinese enterprises of all sizes. The attitude towards tapping into international markets has shifted from "exploring options" to a "make-or-break" decision. In the face of uncertainties and fierce competition, building a globally competitive and resilient organization is the ultimate challenge. According to Nancy Wang, Country Manager of LinkedIn China, "The key lies in harnessing the power of AI and digital technology to empower our talent. Chinese enterprises need to seize AI opportunities to unleash the potential of their workforce." 💡 AI Revolutionizing the Global Workplace 2024 marks a pivotal year as AI technology gains widespread commercial adoption. A recent joint report by Microsoft and LinkedIn revealed that the number of professionals using generative AI at work has doubled in the past six months, with a 142-fold increase in AI skills on LinkedIn profiles. This AI-driven transformation is creating new opportunities for forward-thinking organizations. 🚀 LinkedIn China's Strategic Transformation Since 2014, LinkedIn has been a trusted guide for Chinese enterprises navigating the global landscape. In May 2023, LinkedIn China announced a strategic transformation, focusing entirely on serving China's globalizing businesses. This shift reflects our commitment to empowering Chinese enterprises to succeed on the world stage. 🌟 AI-Powered Solutions for Global Expansion and Building a Global Ecosystem for Chinese Enterprises LinkedIn has established strategic partnerships with over 75% of China's top outbound enterprises. We provide end-to-end solutions covering global talent recruitment, R&D center establishment, production base layout, and marketing center operations. Through these partnerships, we aim to create a vibrant ecosystem that supports Chinese enterprises' global ambitions. 🔮 Looking Ahead: Talent Globalization, Brand Internationalization, and Lifelong Learning Looking forward, LinkedIn will continue to leverage our strengths in AI technology and global services, focusing on talent globalization, brand internationalization, and lifelong learning. We are committed to providing Chinese enterprises with diversified and high-quality support as they navigate the global landscape. Join us on this exciting journey, leveraging AI to empower Chinese enterprises on their global expansion path! #GoGlobal #GlobalExpansion #AITransformation #StrategicPartnerships Read the article:

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    🌍 From 'Made in China' to 'Brand in China': The New Era of ESG Over the past 24 years since China proposed the 'going out' strategy, we have witnessed a transition from 'Made in China' to 'Brand in China.' Chinese brands are now thriving globally in sectors such as cross-border e-commerce, new energy, and gaming. 🌱 The Rise of ESG As the world faces the challenges of climate change, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles have become increasingly crucial. LinkedIn, a leading platform, released a report highlighting ESG trends and showcasing successful practices from leading global enterprises. 💡 ESG: More than Compliance ESG is not just about compliance but is a strategic imperative. Vianne Cai Head of LMS China, states, "ESG needs to be integrated into a company's operations and communications, regardless of the industry." 📚 Implementing ESG Leading companies like Honor are already embedding ESG into their core business. By optimizing their 'AI subtitles' feature, Honor empowers hearing-impaired individuals, demonstrating the practical application of ESG principles. LinkedIn offers insights on how enterprises can cultivate green talent, integrate sustainable values into branding, and build learning organizations to drive green economic transformation. ESG is not just a responsibility; it is a driver of innovation and growth. As we mark the 20th anniversary of ESG, let's work together to create a sustainable future. #ESGforFuture #BrandInChina #LinkedInInsights #LinkedInMarketingSolutions Read the article:

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    🎉 We're thrilled to share that our Country Manager, Nancy Wang, recently participated in a prestigious HR summit organized by the American Chamber of Commerce in China (AmCham China). ✨ Nancy had the honor of standing before business leaders and HR experts to discuss the future of the HR industry and share insights from LinkedIn. Her passion for identifying and retaining exceptional talent, especially in today's rapidly changing workplace powered by AI, was evident throughout her presentation. 🚀 Nancy highlighted the "bottom-up AI-driven work storm" that's taking shape, with a remarkable increase in AI usage worldwide. On LinkedIn alone, we've seen a 150x jump in individuals incorporating AI skills into their profiles. 📈 The 2024 Work Trend Index Annual Report, a collaboration between Microsoft and LinkedIn, revealed a significant disparity between employees eager to integrate AI into their work and organizations yet to provide such opportunities. Nancy emphasized the critical role HR plays in bridging this gap. 💼 Nancy shared our vision at LinkedIn of leveraging AI for business growth, highlighting the strategic importance of HR in aligning talent strategies with business goals. 🔍 AI plays a pivotal role in every stage of talent management, from sourcing to retention. LinkedIn is committed to helping organizations embrace AI to create value in HR through data-driven insights, AI-powered hiring, and our AI skills learning platform. 🌍 As we celebrate our 10-year milestone in China, we're committed to investing in and supporting Chinese enterprises and multinationals in hiring global talent, building brands, and providing learning opportunities. 🌟 This is an era of AI and humanism, competition and connection. LinkedIn is dedicated to creating innovative products and solutions that help you attract and develop globally competitive talent. Together, let's embrace the future of talent management! #GoGlobal #HRSummit #AITransformation #TalentManagement

    AmCham China Hosts Landmark 25th Annual Human Resources Conference

    AmCham China Hosts Landmark 25th Annual Human Resources Conference

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    Our Head of Client Overseas Solution & South China, Vivian Wang, has been invited by the esteemed international charity, Startup Grind Greater China, to speak at their forum on "Women's Power: Breaking the Waves of Entrepreneurial Voyage" on June 20th. We're thrilled that Vivian will share her story, insights, and expertise on the critical role of women's leadership in navigating globalization and the AI revolution, underscoring the business value of fostering gender parity and creating more equitable pathways for women entrepreneurs. At LinkedIn China, we remain committed to empowering women and advancing gender equality. We look forward that future organizations and societies will evolve to be more diverse, inclusive, and dynamic under the visionary guidance of female leaders. #WomenEntrepreneurs #GenderEquality #AIRevolution #StartupGrind #LinkedInChina

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    你知道过去三年来,随着全球劳动力市场进入“减速带”,女性在领导岗位上的比率下降了多少吗? 🌹6月20日7-9PM,加入Startup Grind北京在学院路国际人才创新实验室举办的特别活动! 活动主题:"女性力量:破浪前行的创业航程" 让我们一起探讨女性在职场和创业中的挑战与成长,聆听她们的故事与启发。 #女性领导力 #创业 #StartupGrind #北京活动 #领英 #LinkedIn #female #entrepreneurship #leadership #startup #women

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    The AmCham China 中国美国商会 Annual Human Resources Conference is fast approaching on June 20th, and we are thrilled to be a part of this premier industry event. This year's conference theme, "Navigating Tomorrow's HR: Embrace, Evolve, Excel," truly resonates as the HR landscape continues to transform at a rapid pace. Over 150 HR leaders, influencers, and experts will gather to share their insights on the emerging trends and innovative strategies shaping the future of human resources. We're especially excited that our country manager Nancy Wang will be delivering a keynote address at the conference, where she will underscore the vital importance of cultivating gender diversity and adopting a skills-first talent strategy. These principles of gender parity and skills-based hiring are core to LinkedIn's vision, as we proudly champion them to support businesses and empower professionals through a focus on continuous learning and development. We look forward to connecting with HR professionals, exchanging ideas, and walking away energized to drive organizational excellence in the years to come. See you there! #AmChamHRConference #HRTransformation #GenderDiversity #SkillsFirst #LinkedInChina

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    🌐 Evolution of Chinese Enterprises' Talent Perspectives in Global Expansion As we step into 2024, Chinese enterprises are decisively expanding overseas, with the understanding that "not going global means stagnation." This transformative shift is evident across various industries, from traditional sectors to emerging markets and AI-driven applications. **The Numbers Speak** - Over 96,000 Chinese enterprises now operate internationally, seeking 4.5 million talents. - By 2026, the global talent recruitment market is projected to reach $8.4 billion. - More than 95% of companies in emerging sectors like smart hardware and healthcare have established localized operations. **From Recruitment to Strategy** A decade ago, enterprises had a vague understanding of their overseas talent needs. Today, they have well-defined plans focusing on precise talent matching, robust employer branding, and developing talent pipelines. LinkedIn has observed this evolution, noting an annual growth of over 30% in recruitment demand from Chinese enterprises, targeting top technologists, managerial positions, and Gen Z talent. **Skills & Learning** To attract and retain talent, Chinese enterprises now prioritize skills development and continuous learning. LinkedIn's "skills-first" approach, backed by its Skills Graph, assists enterprises in navigating the shifting labor market and fostering sustainable growth. LinkedIn Learning, enhanced by generative AI, delivers customized learning experiences for employees. **AI: A Double-Edged Sword** AI is revolutionizing the business landscape, boosting efficiency but also introducing challenges in talent matching and development. While many enterprises leverage AI tools, only 38% of executives are actively helping their employees improve their AI capabilities. LinkedIn utilizes advanced AI technologies in talent recruitment and development, empowering enterprises with a competitive advantage. **The Road Ahead** Talent localization is pivotal for the success of Chinese enterprises in global markets. With insights from over 1 billion professionals worldwide, LinkedIn is well-positioned to guide and support Chinese enterprises on their #GoGlobal journey. #GoGlobal #LinkedInTalentSolutions #LinkedInMarketingSolutions #LinkedInLearningSolutions

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