Mark Surman


How Do We Connect First-Time Internet Users to a Healthy Web?

Fresh research from Mozilla, supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, explores how low-income, first-time smartphone users in Kenya...

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A $2 Million Prize for Building a More Accessible Internet

The National Science Foundation is sponsoring two challenges powered by Mozilla. Our goal: support big ideas that keep the web...

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Launching an Independent OpenNews Program

At Mozilla, one of our essential roles is convener: working to identify, connect and support like-minded people who are building...

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Digital Citizens, Let’s Talk About Internet Health

Today, Mozilla is launching the prototype version of the Internet Health Report. With this open-source research project, we want to...

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Living Inside the Computer: Building Responsible IoT

A new paper by the NetGain Partnership examines the opportunities and dangers of a pervasive web Today, we live online....

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Mozilla Welcomes Ashley Boyd, VP of Advocacy

Movement-building veteran joins the Mozilla leadership team This month, Ashley Boyd joins Mozilla as VP, Advocacy. Ashley will lead Mozilla’s...

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Everyday Internet Users Can Stand Up for Encryption — Here’s How

At Mozilla, we believe encryption is critical to the health of the Web. It allows us to live, work and...

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Encryption, Journalism and Free Expression

Over the past several weeks, Mozilla has been running an educational campaign about encryption. We believe it’s essential for everyday...

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Continuing the Conversation About Encryption and Apple: A New Video From Mozilla

In the past week, the conversation about encryption has reached fever pitch. Encryption, Apple, and the FBI are in headlines...

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Help Us Spread the Word: Encryption Matters

Recent news around Apple’s resistance to the US government’s demand to decrypt the iPhone of one of the San Bernardino...

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The Internet is a Global Public Resource

One of the things that first drew me to Mozilla was this sentence from our manifesto: “The Internet is a...

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Mozilla, Caribou Digital Release Report Exploring the Global App Economy

Mozilla is a proud supporter of research carried out by Caribou Digital, the UK-based think tank dedicated to building sustainable...

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