Prime Video Feature Rotator

Feature Rotator* is a top level hero-placement, available to TVOD and Channel advertisers, that supports multiple pieces of content in its carousel. It is the most visible part of the Prime Video app user interface on Connected TV (e.g., Fire TV and third-party TVs), desktop, and mobile devices. Mobile devices includes both phones and tablets. Connected TV and desktop devices share Feature Rotator creative assets, but mobile devices require unique creative assets.

Experience overview

When customers browse Prime Video content via Connected TV, desktop, mobile, or tablet devices, the Feature Rotator stands out as the most prominent placement that appears above the fold, filling nearly the entire the screen with static imagery. On Connected TV and desktop devices, the Feature Rotator will auto-rotate through a carousel of content slots every five seconds. This auto-rotate functionality is not supported on mobile or tablet devices. The placement persists as customers navigate through the tabs to explore content.

On the Fire TV and desktop devices, the static imagery in the Feature Rotator changes to auto-playing the video asset, filling the majority of the screen. When the video concludes, the Feature Rotator automatically shifts to the next slot in the carousel. On mobile and tablet devices, the Feature Rotator slots remain static.

When the customer clicks the ad they are taken to the click-through destination page where they can buy/rent, sign up, or watch.

Connected TV


Default Experience overview

Auto-playing trailer

Auto-playing trailer



Default Experience overview

Mobile and Tablet


Mobile and Tablet Default Experience overview

Asset requirements overview

The Feature Rotator requires five unqiue creative assets. The background and logo images cannot be shared across all device types due to different device client size requirements. See Connected TV and Desktop Asset specifications and Mobile and Tablet Asset specifications for specific details.

Device TypeComponent
Connected TV and desktopBackground image
Connected TV and desktopLogo image
Connected TV and desktopVideo trailer
Mobile and tabletBackground image
Mobile and tabletLogo image

Creative guidelines

In order to provide a good customer experience, we require that all assets meet the following guidelines and Amazon Ads Guidelines and Acceptance Policies.

Asset specifications

The Feature Rotator requires five total assets to serve across all device types. For Connected TV and desktop devices, provide one background image, one logo image, and one trailer video. The trailer video is only supported on Fire TV and desktop devices at this time.

For mobile and tablet devices, provide one background image and one logo image. Mobile and tablet devices have unique creative specifications (see Mobile and Tablet Asset specifications for more details).

Device TypeImage componentRaw asset requirementFinal file requirement
Connected TV and desktopBackground image Dimension: 3840 x 1440px or bigger
Format: PSD (High-quality and layered), AI, EPS or SVG
Dimension: 3840 x 1440px
Max file weight: 10MB
Format: JPG (baseline)
Connected TV and desktopLogo imageDimension: 3450 x 560px or bigger
Format: PSD (High-quality and layered),
Dimension: 3450 x 560px max. The logo must have at least a 3450px width or a 560px height.
Max file weight: 1MB
Format: PNG
Device TypeVideo component*DimensionsMax. File WeightFormatDuration
Fire TV and desktopTrailer1920 x 1080px500mbMP4, M4V, MOV, MPEG15–18s

* No edits will be made to the original video assets.

CTA and offer messaging

Advertising copy such as offer messaging or calls-to-action are not needed as these will be automatically populated by Prime Video, using a set of pre-defined strings that match customer entitlement and the ad offer. These predefined strings can’t be altered.

Connected TV

Living room devices



1. Customer entitlement/ad offer
2. Call-to-action (CTA)

Background images

Background image refers to the 3840 x 1440px image asset that gives a visual representation of the ad product.

Background image with  3840 x 1440px
Background image with  3840 x 1440px

Dimensions: 3840 x 1440px or larger
Aspect ratio: 8:3
Format: JPEG (RGB color)
Maximum file size: 10MB

Safe zone

This safe zone is relevant to Connected TV and desktop devices. See mobile section for its safe zones. Make sure the essential elements of the image are within the green safe area. Essential elements, like faces of key characters, that falls outside of the safe area may be covered by navigation UI or logo content. Legal disclaimers, if requried, and rating labels will be placed in the blue area.

Background safe zone

High resolution image

Use the highest resolution that meets the ratio requirement. Upscaled images that are blurry will not be accepted. The minimum acceptable size for background image is 3840 x 1440 pixels.

Full-bleed image

The background image must use full-bleed imagery. It may fade out to a solid color or darken with a gradient on the sides, especially in the left area, so that the logo image and text can be accessible and readable on the background.

✔ Approved

Connected TV

Living room devices



✘ Not approved

Connected TV

Living room devices



Image content

Avoid images that depict drug usage, alcohol, or nudity. Images that are sexually explicit or depict violence or illegal activity are not acceptable.

Embedded logos or titles

With the exception of any required content rating label or legal disclaimer text, don’t add text or logos to the background image.

A logo image is a creative asset that appears on top of a background image. Depending on the type of Feature Rotator creative, a logo image can represent a content title, a Prime Video Channel, or a content collection that is available from a Prime Video Channel.

Connected TV

Living room devices



Dimensions: 3450 x 560px max. The logo image must have at least a 3450px width or a 560px height.
Format: 24-bit PNG with transparent background (RGB color)
Maximum file size: 1MB


Build a logo image to fill the max width or max height of a 3450 x 560px canvas, and crop empty space. The following logo image examples are all accepted:

Logo with the max width and height

approved - current ui

Logo with the max height

not approved - current ui

Logo with the max width

approved - current ui

Logo image elements

Logo image elements
#ComponentsExamplesFont sizes*
1Primary logoContent title logo (e.g. Mountain Biking)
Channel logo (e.g. Exciting)
Minimum font size: 110pt
Recommended font size: 200pt or larger
2Additional logo (Not recommended)Channel logo (e.g. Exciting)
Studio logo (e.g. Marvel)
Franchise logo (e.g. Star Trek)
Original branding (e.g. Showtime Original)
Minimum font size: 110pt
3Additional text (Not recommended)Brand slogan/tagline
Talent names (e.g. Author or actor names)
Minimum font size: 110pt

* Logo font size requirements are based on a 3450 x 560px canvas with Arial regular (or equivalent) font.


  • For best visual results, only place one logo in the logo image. For campaigns promoting a single content title, use the content title logo as the logo image. For campaigns promoting a prime video channel or a collection of content from the same channel, use the channel logo as the logo image.
  • Preferred

    Background Image – Approved

    Why? The logo image doesn’t contain any added text or logos.

  • Additional text and logos are not recommended. If they must be included, follow these rules:
    • All logos and text in the logo image must meet minimum font size requirements.
    • Visual priority must be clear. For example, if the creative is promoting a content title, then the content title logo should have the highest visual priority. If the creative is promoting a Prime Video channel, then the channel logo should be made the most prominent element in the logo image. Visual priority can also be given to text that describes a content collection or theme, depending on what campaign needs to be promoted.
    • To maintain a clear visual hierarchy, try to keep the total lines of logo images within 4 lines. Logo images exceeding 4 lines lose contrast between font sizes, resulting in similar font sizes for logo elements, leading to unclear visual hierarchy.
    • Align logo elements purposefully to create an order that guides viewer eyes to read through the logo image in a natural way (e.g. guiding viewers to read the text and logos from left to right or from top to bottom.)
    • Including CTAs or offer messaging in logo images is not allowed. Additional text must not repeat or contradict the auto-populated offer messaging or CTA. (E.g. “7-day free trial”, “$9.99/month”, “Buy now”, “Start watching” and so on.)

    ✔ Approved

    Background Image – Approved

    Why? Additional text above the content title logo doesn’t repeat or contradict the auto-populated offer messaging or CTA. It also meets font size requirements.

    Not approved

    Background Image – Not Approved

    Why? The additional text “Available to buy or rent” repeats the auto-populated offer messaging.

    ✔ Approved

    Background Image – Approved

    Why? The visual hierarchy is clear (Mountain Biking logo appears). Additional text and logo meet font size requirements.

    ✘ Not approved

    Background Image – Not Approved

    Why? Text and logo font sizes are very similar, causing an unclear visual hierarchy in this logo image.


    Background Image – Approved

    Why? The center alignment of the “EXCITING” logo and the text “Outdoor Adventure & Beyond” guides viewers to read from left to right on the first row. The left alignment of the first row and the second row in this logo guides viewers to easily move their eyes from the first row down to the second row.

    ✘ Not approved

    Background Image – Not Approved

    Why? Without a purposeful alignment, the randomly placed logos create an unbalanced look that requires viewer eyes to jump between each element in this logo image, creating a jarring visual experience for viewers.

    ✔ Approved

    Background Image – Approved

    Why? The center alignment of the “EXCITING” logo and the content title logo “Mountain Biking” guides viewers to read from left to right. The additional logo meet font size requirements.


A trademark symbol on the logo is strongly discouraged and will be removed by default.

Logo accessibility

Logos need to work against a dark background. A minimum of 3:1 contrast ratio is required.


Title treatments are built left to right.

Click-through destination

There are four click-through types for ads in the Prime Video Feature Rotator. See Multi-Title section for details on this ad creative type.

Click through typeApproved for Channel adsApproved for TVOD adsApproved for Single Title adsApproved for Multi-Title ads
Buy or RentNoYesYesNo
Marketing Landing PageYesNoNoYes
Collections PageYesNoNoYes

Trailer video

The video experience is only supported on Fire TV and desktop devices. Support for third-party devices (e.g. Roku, Samsung TV) will be considered for future enhancements.

Fire TV Devices


Default Experience overview

Auto-playing trailer

Auto-playing trailer

Safe Zone

Keep key subjects, text, or logos outside of the red area that will be covered by UI elements.

Auto-playing trailer

Dimensions: 1920 x 1080px
Resolution: 1080p
Duration: 15-18s
Maximum file size: 500MB
Format: MP4, M4V, MOV, MPEG
Video Codec: H.264
Video Bitrate: 12mbps+ preferred
Audio Bitrate: at least 128kbps
Loudness Level: -24 LKFS +/- 2dB
True Peak Level: -2dB

Content visibility

Make sure not to place key subjects, text, or logos outside of the safe zone. The following example will not be approved since the text is placed outside of the safe area, resulting in it being covered by the horizontal navigation:

Default Experience overview

High quality video

Make sure the video has a high-bitrate. A high-bitrate video source prevents compression artifacts.

Violence/drugs/alcohol/nudity/explicit content

Ensure that the video does not contain gore, violence, or explicit language of a mature nature. Avoid any depictions of illegal activities or consumption of drugs and/or alcohol, nudity or content of a sexual nature.


Try not to show letterboxing in videos (black bars above and below). However, if the content being promoted uses letterboxing in the full-length video, then the trailer may feature letterboxing as well.

Correct resolution

Make sure that the video has a 1920 x 1080p resolution. Do not cut off any key scene portions when cropping the video to a custom aspect ratio.

Use a controlled volume

Make sure that the volume of the video is normalized (i.e. not too low and not too high).

Language used

Make sure videos are in the primary language of the locale where the ad is shown.


Don’t include subtitles in the video.

Embedding text or logo

For the best viewer experience, do not place text or logos in the video, especially on the left half of the screen as they will overlap with the dimmed UI elements.


Not recommended

Background Image – Approved
Background Image – Not Approved

Watermarks of logos

Do not include watermarks/logo overlays in the video because they can draw focus away from primary video content. However, these overlays are allowed if the following guidelines are met:

  • The logo is placed within the safe zone.
  • The logo does not cover up key content (such as an actor’s face) or other text within the video.
  • The logo is legible. A minimum of 3:1 contrast ratio is required.

End card

End cards are not recommended. If used, do not mention a URL or App in the end card in the video.

✔ Approved

Background Image – Approved

✘ Not approved

Background Image – Not Approved
Background Image – Not Approved

Content rating labels

For single title ads, maturity rating logos will populate automatically based on the ASIN selected when the title is rated for audiences that are at least 12/13 years old. If a campaign is running multi-title creative, content rating labels are not required.

Connected TV

Default Experience overview


Auto-playing trailer

1. Automated content rating label

If a campaign is running with a multi-title creative, follow the multi-title guidelines for content rating label as indicated the mutli-title creative section.

Legal disclaimer safe zone (blue)

Disclaimers on mobile and tablet devices are not required by Prime Video in the US. Depending on the country, should adhere to the “Burned in” disclaimer copy per country. While additional legal disclaimers are strongly discouraged, if required by the advertiser, they should be placed in the blue safe zone, top and right aligned with the safe zone. Text should be white or black (apply opacity if needed), set in 36pt Arial regular (or equivalent font), and placed unobtrusively in the background image. Make sure a minimum of 3:1 contrast ratio is met.

Content rating safe zone

Disclaimers on Connected TV or desktop devices may be required on Prime Video depending on the country where the ad will run (see list below), and if the ad is for transactional content (rent/buy) or a Prime Video Channel. While additional legal disclaimers are strongly discouraged, if required by the advertiser, they should be placed in the blue safe zone, top and right aligned with the safe zone. Text should be white or black (apply opacity if needed), set in 36pt Arial regular (or equivalent font), and placed unobtrusively in the background image. Make sure a minimum of 3:1 contrast ratio is met.

Connected TV

Default Experience overview


Auto-playing trailer

“Burned in” disclaimer copy per country

These requirements only relate to “burning in” a disclaimer into the background image of the Feature Rotator. Depending on the country, the Customer entitlement/ad offer will solve for other disclaimer requirements dynamically.

CountryDisclaimer Required for Channel AdsDisclaimer Required for TVOD adsPrime Video Channel Disclaimer Copy
United KingdomYesNoA Prime add-on subscription
FranceYesNoUn abonnement supplémentaire de Prime
ItalyYesNoPer i clienti Prime, con un abbonamento aggiuntivo
SpainYesNoPara clientes Prime, con suscripción adicional

Any other use of unnecessary text, including legal “fine print”, copyright statements, legal symbols or Terms and Conditions is strongly discouraged. Our strong recommendation is to provide full terms and conditions or disclaimer copy on the landing page.

Multi-title creative

Multi-title creatives are only available to Prime Video Channel advertisers. A multi-title creative should promote:

  • A Prime Video Channel (e.g. Exciting).
  • A movie series* (e.g. Mountain Biking 1 and Mountain Biking 2).
  • A collection of content titles (e.g. “Popular movies and TV shows”).
  • *If a creative is promoting multiple seasons of a TV series, it will count as a single title creative and should follow general creative guidelines.

Multi-title creatives should adhere to the following guidelines in addition to general creative guidelines for Prime Video Feature Rotator.

Click-through destination

Multi-title campaigns must link to either a Prime Video Channels page, or a marketing landing page.

Content rating labels

Content rating labels are not required on multi-title ads in any country.

CTA and offer messaging

Advertising copy such as offer messaging or calls-to-action are not needed as these will be automatically populated by Prime Video, using a set of pre-defined strings that match customer entitlement and the ad offer. These predefined strings can’t be altered.

Connected TV


Default Experience overview
Auto-playing trailer
  1. Customer entitlement/ad offer
  2. Call-to-action (CTA)


Disclaimer is not needed as the CTA and offer text is fixed for multi-title creatives.

Channel forward

A channel-forward creative showcases a Prime Video Channel’s breadth and depth of service.

  • Background image: There is no limit to the number of titles featured on the background image, however box art tiles must be large enough to distinguish characters and titles. The titles of movies/shows within box art must be a minimum 48pt Arial regular (or equivalent font). Other text (e.g. Showtime Original) can be smaller. (Font size is based on a 3450x2160px canvas.)
  • Logo image:
    • Follow general logo guidelines.
    • Channel-forward creatives should feature advertiser channel logos.
    • Channel-forward creatives shouldn’t show content title logo in the logo image.
  • Trailer video: Trailers should be sizzle reels that focus on communicating the content available within the channel (e.g. popular movies and TV shows).
  • ✔ Approved

    Connected TV

    Default Experience overview


    Auto-playing trailer

    Why? The box art tiles in the background looks like a full bleed image that isn’t mimicking the Prime Video app UI.

    ✘ Not approved

    Connected TV

    Default Experience overview


    Auto-playing trailer

    Why? Box art tiles must not mimic the Prime Video app UI nor appear as a row of clickable tiles.

Content forward

A content-forward creative showcases up to three content titles from a Prime Video Channel.

  • Background image:
    • A maximum of 3 content titles are allowed. The background image can have one key art that is representing a common character from a series of movies, or have 2 or 3 different key arts with each of them representing a different content title.
    • Content title names placed on the background must be in either text or logo format, a minimum font size of 55pt Arial regular (or equivalent). (Font size is based on a 3450x2160px canvas.)
    • Each content title name should be close to the corresponding title key art.
    • Content titles names or logos must be placed in the green safe zone of the background image.
  • Logo image:
    • Follow general logo guidelines.
    • Two accepted logo treatments:
      • Place one channel logo in the logo image; place content title names in the background image safe zone.
      • Besides the first treatment, content titles in series (e.g. Mountain Biking 1 and Mountain Biking 2) can also use one common title logo in the logo image to call out the collection (e.g. Mountain Biking 1 & 2, or Mountain Biking movies). Don’t include multiple content title logos in the logo image. The background image should show the common character from those titles. Don’t include content title names in the background image for this treatment.
  • Trailer video: Trailers should be sizzle reels that focus on communicating the content available within the channel (e.g. popular movies and TV shows). The video experience is only supported on Fire TV devices.
  • ✔ Approved

    Connected TV

    Default Experience overview


    Auto-playing trailer

    Why? The content title names are placed in the background image with the corresponding content images. The font size of the content title names meets the requirement so it’s easy for customers to understand what content they can watch in this channel.

    ✘ Not approved

    Connected TV

    Default Experience overview


    Auto-playing trailer

    Why? Multiple content title logos are included in the logo image so it’s hard to associate the title logos with the right title key arts. Including multiple title logos also crowds the logo image and creates a cluttered visual experience.

    ✔ Approved

    Connected TV

    Default Experience overview


    Auto-playing trailer

    Why? The movie titles in series (Mountain Biking 1 and Mountain Biking 2) are called out with just one title logo in the logo image. The background shows the common character (the mountain biker).

    ✘ Not approved

    Connected TV

    Default Experience overview


    Auto-playing trailer

    Why? Two content title logos are showing in the logo image.

Mobile and Tablet

Asset specifications

Due to mobile’s different creative specifications compared to Connected TV and desktop devices, the mobile Feature Rotator requires two unique assets: a background image and a logo image. A trailer file is not required as mobile does not support autoplay of trailers. The mobile assets are supported by all mobile and tablet devices.

Device TypeImage componentRaw asset requirementFinal file requirement
Mobile and tabletBackground imageDimension: 1936 x 1089px or bigger
Format: PSD (High-quality and layered), AI, EPS or SVG
Dimension: 1936 x 1089px
Max file weight: 10MB
Format: JPG
Mobile and tabletLogo imageDimension: 1400 x 560px or bigger
Format: PSD (High-quality and layered),
Dimension: 1400 x 560px
Max file weight: 1MB
Format: PNG

CTA and offer messaging

Advertising copy such as offer messaging or calls-to-action are not included on mobile. The offer message will be automatically populated by Prime Video using a set of pre-defined strings that match customer entitlement and the ad offer. These predefined strings can’t be altered. On mobile, unlike Connected TV and desktop web, the CTA is not included in the Feature Rotator.

Mobile CTA and offer messaging

1. Customer entitlement/ad offer

Background images

Background image with  3840 x 1440px
Background image with  3840 x 1440px

Background image refers to the 1936 x 1089 image asset that gives a visual representation of the ad product.

Dimensions: 1936 x 1089 or larger
Aspect ratio: 16:9
Format: JPEG (RGB color)
Maximum file size: 10MB

Safe zone

These safe zones apply to mobile and tablet devices. See Connected TV and desktop devices section for their safe zone requirements. Make sure the essential elements of the image are within the green and yellow safe zones. In the green area, there is no risk of other elements covering the background image. The yellow safe zone may experience logo overlap on smaller mobile screen sizes (see logo guidance).

MB Safe zone

To ensure high-level of creative quality, do not place essential elements of the background image (e.g. actor's face) or content titles in the yellow safe zone if it will overlap with the logo image. Do not place any text or the content's title in the yellow safe zone. Legal disclaimer, if required, should be placed in the blue area. When building mobile creative, verify mobile experience against the smaller mobile specifications instead of tablet. As devices get bigger, the creative experience will improve.


✔ Approved

MB Approved

✘ Not approved

MB Not approved

Why? The logo covers key subjects on mobile screen sizes (e.g. actor's face). Essential content must be visible on all screen sizes.

High resolution image

Use the highest resolution that meets the ratio requirement. Upscaled images that are blurry will not be accepted. The minimum acceptable size for background image is 1936 x 1089 pixels.

Full-bleed image

The background image must use full-bleed imagery. It may fade out to a solid color or darken with a gradient on the sides, especially in the left area, so that the logo image and text can be accessible and readable on the background.

✔ Approved

MB Approved

✘ Not approved

MB Not approved

Logo images

A logo image is a creative asset that appears on top of a background image. Depending on the type of Feature Rotator creative, a logo image can represent a content title, a Prime Video Channel, or a content collection that is available from a Prime Video Channel.

MB Logo Images

Dimensions: 1400x560px
Aspect ratio: 5:2
Format: 24-bit PNG with transparent background (RGB color)
Maximum file size: 1MB

Safe zone

In the yellow safe area, elements should be placed with caution, as they may cover the background on smaller device screens. Some overlap of logo and background image is unavoidable on smaller mobile devices, but logos should not overlap with faces of main characters or create significant readability issues.

MB Safe zone

✔ Approved

MB SZ Approved

✘ Not approved


Why? The logo covers character’s face on smaller screen sizes.

When key elements in the background image occupy both the green and yellow safe zones, place the channel logo only within the green safe zone in the logo image.

out door fun


Build the logo elements from the bottom left of a 1400x560 canvas, and do not crop empty space. The following logo image examples are all accepted:

Logo with the max width and height

approved - current ui

Logo with the max height

not approved - current ui

Logo with the max width

approved - current ui

Logo image elements

Logo image elements
#ComponentsExamplesFont sizes*
1Primary logoContent title logo (e.g. Mountain Biking)
Channel logo (e.g. Exciting)
Minimum font size: 127pt
Recommended font size: 175pt or larger
2Additional logo (Not recommended)Channel logo (e.g. Exciting)
Studio logo (e.g. Marvel)
Franchise logo (e.g. Star Trek)
Original branding (e.g. Showtime Original)
Minimum font size: 70pt
3Additional text (Not recommended)Brand slogan/tagline
Talent names (e.g. Author or actor names)
Minimum font size: 44pt
Recommended font size: 65 or larger

* Logo font size requirements are based on a 1400x560 px canvas with Arial regular (or equivalent) font.


For best visual results, only place one logo in the logo image. When composing the logo image, consider how it will fit into the background. The elements on the logo image do not need to fill the max width or max height of a 1400 x 560px canvas. For campaigns promoting a single content title, use the content title logo as the logo image (refer to multi-title guidance for multi-title ads). For campaigns promoting a prime video channel or a collection of content from the same channel, use the channel logo as the logo image.


    Background Image – Approved

    Why? The logo image doesn’t contain any added text or logos.

  • Additional text and logos are not recommended. If they must be included, follow these rules:
    • All logos and text in the logo image must meet minimum font size requirements.
    • The additional text (e.g. “A show loved by mountain bikers”) should not exceed one line in length.
    • Visual priority must be clear. For example, if the creative is promoting a content title, then the content title logo should have the highest visual priority. If the creative is promoting a Prime Video channel, then the channel logo should be made the most prominent element in the logo image. Visual priority can also be given to text that describes a content collection or theme, depending on what campaign needs to be promoted.
    • To maintain a clear visual hierarchy, try to keep the total lines of logo images within 4 lines. Logo images exceeding 4 lines lose contrast between font sizes, resulting in similar font sizes for logo elements, leading to unclear visual hierarchy.
    • Align logo elements purposefully to create an order that guides viewer eyes to read through the logo image in a natural way (e.g. guiding viewers to read the text and logos from left to right or from top to bottom.)
    • Including CTAs or offer messaging in logo images is not allowed. Additional text must not repeat or contradict the auto-populated offer messaging or CTA. (E.g. “7-day free trial”, “$9.99/month”, “Buy now”, “Start watching” and so on.)

    ✔ Approved

    Background Image – Approved

    Why? Additional text above the content title logo doesn’t repeat or contradict the auto-populated offer messaging or CTA. It also meets font size requirements.

    Not approved

    Background Image – Not Approved

    Why? The additional text “Available to buy or rent” repeats the auto-populated offer messaging.

    ✔ Approved

    Background Image – Approved

    Why? The visual hierarchy is clear. Mountain Biking (Primary logo) has the highest priority, and both additional text and logo meet the font size requirements.

    ✘ Not approved

    Background Image – Not Approved

    Why? The logo font size are very similar and channel logo is bigger than content title logo (Primary logo), causing an unclear visual hierarchy in this logo image.


    Background Image – Approved

    Why? The center alignment of the “EXCITING” logo and the text “Outdoor Adventure & Beyond” guides viewers to read from left to right on the first row. The left alignment of the first row and the second row in this logo guides viewers to easily move their eyes from the first row down to the second row.

    ✘ Not approved

    Background Image – Not Approved

    Why? Without a purposeful alignment, the randomly placed logos create an unbalanced look that requires viewer eyes to jump between each element in this logo image, creating a jarring visual experience for viewers.

    ✔ Approved

    Background Image – Approved

    Why? The additional element "Outdoor Fun Series" icon is center aligned with the content title logo "Mountain Biking" to guide viewers to read from left to right. The visual hierarchy is clear, and the additional logo meet font size requirements.

Content rating labels

For single title ads, maturity rating logos will populate automatically based on the ASIN selected when the title is rated for audiences that are at least 12/13 years old. If a campaign is running multi-title creative, content rating labels are not required.


1. Automated content rating label

Legal/disclaimer text

Legal disclaimer safe zone (blue)

Disclaimers on mobile and tablet devices are not required by Prime Video in the US. Depending on the country, should adhere to the “Burned in” disclaimer copy per country. While additional legal disclaimers are strongly discouraged, if required by the advertiser, they should be placed in the blue safe zone, top and right aligned with the safe zone. Text should be white or black (apply opacity if needed), set in 36pt Arial regular (or equivalent font), and placed unobtrusively in the background image. Make sure a minimum of 3:1 contrast ratio is met.

Content rating safe zone
Multi-title creative

On mobile, due to the smaller screen size, a maximum of two titles can be featured in multi-title creatives. This differs from Connected TV and desktop creatives where a maximum of three titles can be featured in multi-title creatives. Multi-title creatives are only available to Prime Video Channel advertisers. A multi-title creative should promote:

  • A Prime Video Channel (e.g. Exciting).
  • A movie series* (e.g. Mountain Biking 1 and Mountain Biking 2).
  • A collection of content titles (e.g. “Popular movies and TV shows”).

*If a creative is promoting multiple seasons of a TV series, it will count as a single title creative and should follow single title creative guidelines.


Click-through destination

Multi-title campaigns must link to either a Prime Video Channels page, or a marketing landing page.

Content rating labels

Content rating labels are not required on multi-title ads in any country.

CTA and offer messaging

Advertising copy such as offer messaging or calls-to-action are not included on mobile.. The offer message will be automatically populated by Prime Video using a set of pre-defined strings that match customer entitlement and the ad offer. These predefined strings can’t be altered.


1. Customer entitlement/ad offer

Channel forward

A channel forward creative showcases a Prime Video Channel’s breadth and depth of service.

  • Background image: There is no limit to the number of titles featured on the background image, however box art tiles must be large enough to distinguish characters and titles. The titles of movies/shows within box art must be a minimum 44pt Arial regular (or equivalent font). Other text (e.g. Showtime Original) can be smaller. (Font size is based on a 1936 x 1089px canvas.)
  • Logo image:
    • Follow general logo guidelines.
    • Channel-forward creatives should feature advertiser channel logos.
    • Channel-forward creatives shouldn’t show content title logo in the logo image.

Content forward

A content forward creative on mobile showcases up to two content titles from a Prime Video Channel.

  • Background image:
    • A maximum of 2 content titles are allowed. The background image can have one key art that is representing a common character from a series of movies, or have 2 different key arts with each of them representing a different content title.
    • Content titles names or logos must be placed in the green safe zone of the background image.
    • Content title names placed on the background must be in either text or logo format, a minimum font size of 44pt Arial regular (or equivalent), use all capital letters if it is text. (Font size is based on a 1936 x 1089px canvas.)
    • Each content title name should be close to the corresponding title key art.
  • Logo image:
    • Follow general logo guidelines.
    • Two accepted logo treatments:
      • Place one channel logo in the logo image; place content title names in the background image safe zone.
      • Besides the first treatment, content titles in series (e.g. Mountain Biking 1 and Mountain Biking 2) can also use one common title logo in the logo image to call out the collection (e.g. Mountain Biking 1 & 2, or Mountain Biking movies). Don’t include multiple content title logos in the logo image. The background image should show the common character from those titles. Don’t include content title names in the background image for this treatment.

    ✔ Approved

    MB MTC CF 2

    Why? The content title names are placed in the background image with the corresponding content images. The font size of the content title names meets the requirement so it’s easy for customers to understand what content they can watch in this channel.

    ✔ Approved

    MB MTC CF 2

    Why? The creative space is maximized by extending the figures into both the yellow and green safe zones on the background image, and the logo image uses only the green safe zone for the channel logo. The content remains readable on small devices.

    ✘ Not approved

    not approved image1

    Why? The content titles are placed in the yellow safe zone rather than the green safe zone of the background image, and the logo image covers the content titles on small devices.

    ✘ Not approved

    not approved image 2

    Why? The content title names on the background image are not properly positioned within the safe zone, the ads offer string and logo image obscure the title names.

Disclaimer: Feature Rotator title name “Mountain Biking” and “The Greatest Riders”, and end card content provider name “Exciting” are example names for ad specs only, and are not available on Prime Video.

North America
  • CA
  • MX
  • US
South America
  • BR
  • BE
  • DE
  • ES
  • FR
  • IT
  • NL
  • PL
  • SE
  • TR
  • UK
Middle East
  • EG
  • KSA
  • UAE
Asia Pacific
  • AU
  • IN
  • JP
  • SG

*Connected TV is currently available in the US, CA, MX, ES, FR, IT and UK. Support for desktop and mobile devices is only available in the US.

Asset Checklist
  • Pre-existing standard ad units for reference
  • High-resolution imagery in layered PSD format
  • High-resolution imagery in JPG, TIFF, or PNG format (optional)
  • Logos in vector format (PSD, AI, EPS, or SVG)
  • Fonts
  • Brand guidelines
  • Trailer video (see specs)
  • Content rating (if required)
Supported Destinations
Photoshop Templates