# Ektacam Privacy Policy We take your privacy very seriously, and since we are not lawyers ourselves, we want to keep the privacy policy short and simple, while outlining everything you need to know about the app and the usage it does of your personal data: 1. The app needs access to the camera to fulfill its main purpose (taking photos). 2. The app needs access to the device storage in order to save the photos you take. 3. The app offers you the possibility to geolocate your photos by embedding your device position into photos’ metadata. - This is **optional**, and **disabled** by default. - If enabled, the location of your device is **not** shared in any way (directly or indirectly), it stays in your device (unless you decide to actively share geotagged photos in third party services). - We do **not** collect your location. 4. We do **not** process any payments ourselves. - In-app purchases, if used, are processed by Google Inc. - Payment information is handled by Google Inc. - We are **not** involved in the purchase process in any way, therefore, we **do not**, and **we cannot**, collect any information in the process. 5. We do use mobile analytics (Google Firebase) in order to understand app usages and improve the app. - We do use Google Firebase Analytics. - Collected **information is completely anonymous**: **no** user identifiable information is collected. - **You can opt-out** for the analytics in the application’s settings. - Neither we nor Google Firebase share the collected statistics with third parties: they are exclusively used and seen by us to understand how the app is being used in order to optimize it. - We do collect general anonymous usage patterns like (but not limited to): - Which film types and how often are used. - How many photos are taken (only the photo count). 6. The app uses a crash reporting solution (Google Firebase Crash Reporting) to automatically report application crashes. - Absolutely no personal information is shared when a report is submitted. - Only the app’s code relating to the part of the application that crashed is being submitted. - We do also collect the model of the device, and the version of Android it runs. - We **cannot** identify you nor we can contact you in any way (should we need or want to). 7. We offer the possibility to share pictures over third party services (like social networks). - The sharing process is handled by the official app of the respective service, therefore you are advised to check their respective privacy policies. - Our app does not handle the sharing process itself, therefore, the respective third party services’ apps are required in order to share pictures with those third party services. 8. You should read and accept the terms of this privacy policy in order to use the app. _Last update: 2016/12/21._