Rosetta on M2 MacBook Air?

G's Avatar


02 Aug, 2022 10:59 PM

I just got an M2 MacBook Air. It wants me to install Rosetta to use VP. Is that a good idea? Has anyone tried that?

(I have a lot of info in VP. Primate, please tell me there will be an update for the M2 architecture soon!)

  1. 1 Posted by G on 02 Aug, 2022 11:17 PM

    G's Avatar

    I found the preview 6 link and it seems to be working? [knocks wood] For anyone else who is looking:

  2. Support Staff 2 Posted by John on 11 Aug, 2022 01:55 PM

    John's Avatar

    As you've discovered, VoodooPad 5 requires Rosetta to work on Apple Silicon Macs. This requirement is a known issue.

    We investigated upgrading to VoodooPad 5 to run natively on Apple Silicon Macs. It turned out to be a non-trivial undertaking that required removing functionality.

    VoodooPad 6 (currently in preview) runs natively on both Intel and Apple Silicon Macs. Since VoodooPad 5 and VoodooPad 6 use the same file format, you can always try out VodooPad 6 and switch back to VoodooPad 5 if it doesn't work.

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