IOS version flashes

Steve Abdu's Avatar

Steve Abdu

27 May, 2024 02:30 AM

VooDoo Pad on my IOS devices is going nuts. It flashes and asks if I want to relink to Dropbox but neither button is able to be selected. In the current state, the app is unusable on my IOS devices but works OK on my Macbook Pro.
Any suggestions?
Steve Abdu

  1. 1 Posted by Munchy on 03 Jun, 2024 05:07 PM

    Munchy's Avatar

    Posted this before, try this:

    I know you said you get the same problem on delete/reinstalling the app but I just keep doing so until I stop getting the relink infinite loop.

    Then I go into iPad settings and turn off display auto lock, open VP and go into settings (do not leave the settings screen without turning off dropbox linking, the files will remain on your device). In VP settings adjust settings as you want and then link dropbox and full sync. Verify that the full sync has happened by checking with the log and full sync again until no updates in the log.

    Then and only then turn off dropbox linking. Do not let anything interrupt the sync until full, do not let the screen time out, do not leave the settings screen, do not use another app and make sure your connection is good. You can monitor the sync in the log screen and just let it roll until done. Then double check by full sync again.

    Finally, TURN OFF DROPBOX LINKING. If you need to update it might work if you repeat the same procedure inside VP settings without ever leaving VP settings, but under no circumstances leave VP settings with linking turned on.

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