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Everything you ever wanted to know about the Casio DBC series!

228K views 338 replies 80 participants last post by  JamesAtCT 
#1 · (Edited)
Hello all, :)

as a fan and collector of the Casio DBC watches, a few years back I decided to make a table with all the differences between the many different models, hoping that others might find it useful too, sometimes!
I posted this on another forum back then, and it still is online over there, but coming here I noticed quite a few people were asking questions about DBC models, not being able to find my original thread. So that's why I'm now posting it here as well. Enjoy!... ;-)

The functional differences are, of course, related to the module being used and not to which one of the many models and/or colour variations it is in, so...

First, a list of all the main models and their modules:


The ones with a B at the end of their model number, are the so called NeoBright ones: they have a keypad with white keys that shine greenish in the dark!
The DBC-61/610/610G with WR on their display, are the only ones that are guaranteed to be Water Resistant (against splashes, but no water pressure).
All cases are made of resin: the Chrome (Gold) ones are of Chrome (Gold) plated resin.
The cases of the DBX-102/112 and DBC-62 are the same and have a kind of rubber keypad.
The DBX-102/103 (Black) and DBX-112 (LightGray) have painted back covers.
Of the DBC-62A, DBM-150 and DBC-81 a version with a yellow display exists.
The DBC-1500B has two (Green 3CJF and White 7CJF) Special Editions with a reversed display (white on black).
(*) And the DBC-63 has a great number of special coloured variations, made in 1997/1998; more about that later on.

As an example I show you the first 8 models in my collection (now containing 12). The pictures are partly mine and partly from others that I don't know (anymore), so if you see yours and would like to be mentioned, just let me know.

DBC-600 . . . . . . . . . . . DBC-610 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DBM-150 . . . . . DBC-1500L

DBX-103 . . . . . . . . . . . DBC-62-9G . . . . . . . . . . . DBC-63S-9T . . . . . . . DBC-310

But now the functional differences per module:


And finally, as promised, the colour variations of the DBC-63! There are an incredible number of different variations: some are made especially for certain organizations, like the Cognit Schema series for the "Archaeological Institute of America", the Dino Zone series for "The Dinosaur Society", or for Walt Disney. All are rather limited and were only made from March 1997 to February 1998. These keypads with white keys do not have NeoBright. Besides the differences in colour, they also have different pictures visible on the display when the EL Backlight is on.

There are even a few more (DBC-63 as well as DBC-610 and DBC-1500B), made as relation gifts or commemorative editions for mostly Japanese brands or bands. These are not included here, as they are largely the same as the "regular" ones, with just a different brand name and another Backlight picture or display colour.

The information in the picture below is a completed version, based on this website:


I hope you all enjoyed it and if I missed anything, I would be happy to hear from you! ;-)

Freddy :)

P.S.: On request I added information about all the remaining DBC relatives in the next post! b-)
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#2 ·
Casio made a few new colour variations of the (Module 2888) DBC-32 series (only the first one existed already):

Older colour combinations were based on black, blue, pink and white, one with a yellow display exists and the DBC-32D is the Chrome/SS version.

A new (Module 3228) DBC-611 just appeared:

It goes back to the popular DBC-610 case, but functionally it is the same as the DBC-32.

It is available as:

- DBC-611 (Unpol.Chrome/SS)
- DBC-611G (Gold/Gold SS).

Another current closer relative to the original DBC series is the DBC-30 (Module 1253):


This one closely resembles the DBC-63 (the case is identical), except that it has:

- only 30 TeleMemo entries (for Tel/Fax);
- no World Time Mode;
- no Schedule, but
- 5 Alarms (daily/date/1-month/monthly).

It exists as:

- DBC-30 (Gray/Resin)
- DBC-300 (Chrome/SS)
- DBC-300GA (Pol.Gold/Gold SS).

Another relative is the (Module 1591) DBC-V50 (Gray/Resin) and DBC-V500 (Chrome/SS). It somewhat resembles the DBC-150, except that it has:

- only 20 TeleMemo entries;
- no EEPROM;
- no Schedule, but
- 5 Alarms (daily/date/1-month/monthly) and
- Voice Mode (5 recordings with a total of 30 secs of sound, that can also be used as alarm sounds).


DBC-V50 . . . . . . . . . . . . DBC-W150

And finally the last relative:

- DBC-W150 (American Module 2296)
- DBC-W151 (Japanese Module 2298),

once available with Resin and SS bands. It resembles the DBC-150 closely, but this time it has:

- no Countdown Timer
- no Independent Calculator Memory
- no Schedule, but
- a Calender until and including 2099 and
- a Wave Ceptor, meaning it automatically keeps time calibrated to a satellite signal!

This now covers all the DBC family members in existence! ;-)
#3 ·
I see a llot of love for the databank-calculator casios. Excellent job and from now one of my favourite reviews ive ever read. A piece of art.

I had a casio calculator back in 95 (not sure exactly) that i really loved. Back then it was a miracle of technology...

And something else. I see that the casio function madness doesnt stop through all these years. I see some really great modules with no light or with no wr or with no timer, or no schedule or.. but anyway.

A question. If you had to keep only one which would you keep? Which one is your favourite?
#5 ·
I see a llot of love for the databank-calculator casios. Excellent job and from now one of my favourite reviews ive ever read. A piece of art.
Wow - excellent and informative post! I think we might introduce a sticky in the Digi%ABC forum and if we do - this will be the 1st post in it.
Thanks guys! :) Glad you like it.

I had a casio calculator back in 95 (not sure exactly) that i really loved. Back then it was a miracle of technology...
I know... b-) And I think they still are. :-! I mean, have you really seen better ones like this since then?...

And something else. I see that the casio function madness doesnt stop through all these years. I see some really great modules with no light or with no wr or with no timer, or no schedule or.. but anyway.

A question. If you had to keep only one which would you keep? Which one is your favourite?
Well... I got my first one for my birthday, back in 1990! It was the original DBC-610 (WR) :p and I still have it. The case has been replaced twice by now, so unfortunately the WR on the display is gone, but it works and looks again like when it was new! So you understand that one would be my first choice, for sentimental reasons as well as the looks: I still think it is the best looking one and it is perfect for the more official occasion!
When it comes to functionality however, I would say my favourite is the one I'm wearing every day at home: the DBM-150 can do it all, really!
#9 ·
WoW! Freddy2,Thank You! You put a lot time into this. Fantastic amount of info.


I have a fewquestions and if ANYBODY can answer them, it has to be the experts on thisforum.

I'm on myfourth Casio DBC-301-1 and it's about to fail now. This watch is fantastic! Myfirst was bought in the 1980s. I usually wear out the alpha-numeric keypadbuttons or the function buttons. I've come to rely on it because I'm a seniorcitizen and my memory is fading fast. The Telememo/Schedule function lets meenter dozens of reminder messages with alarms and phone #s. The remindermessages are what I rely on. I usually have about 30 or so reminders set. Ican't get thru the day/week/year without them.

I've beentrying to find a new DBC-310 or even a DBC-150 for sale with no luck. I checkedwith Casio and after calling 3 different support #s someone finally confirmedthey no longer make any Databank models. One tech support rep, who was veryfamiliar with the large memory 310/150 Schedule function, said no other currentCasio models have a similar feature. I've been searching the web for days now.I had many hits on the model # but they are all out of stock. The only 150 of310 models I found available for sale were used models on ebay.

Freddy2, Isee in your post in the "…functional differences per module" section "Max"column you entered 2 numbers as "Maximum amount of numbers for Telememo/Maximumamount of signs for Schedule" for each module. My DBC-310, 1478 Module allows 8characters for each phone name with 12 numbers for the phone number in eachentry. It also allows 11 characters for reminder text plus the alarm time setfor each Schedule entry.
It doesn'tquite match your numbers, but maybe I'm not interpreting this stuff right.Also, what do you mean by "signs"?

You alsoadded a few new models, like DBC-611, etc, with descriptions. You explicitlysay "no schedule" and expressly say "5 alarms". Can I assume that any Databank-typeCasio watch models described with 5
alarms/"4Multi-function Alarms and 1 Multi-function alarm with snooze" then it doesn'thave the robust Schedule memory like the 310/150? I'm trying to zero in on akey descriptor to identify a model with the 310/150-like Schedule.

Does anyoneknow of another Casio model or module #, or any other brand, with a functionlike the 310 or 150 Schedule? Maybe it's me, but even's modeldescriptions are sort of fuzzy when it comes to the Schedule function.

Thanksagain Freddy2 for all your research and effort with the Databank charts.

I'm sorryto run on with this post. It's quite important to me to be able to continue to usethe large amount of watch reminder functions, especially to take my RXs.

Thankseveryone for your time.
#10 ·
WoW! Freddy2,Thank You! You put a lot time into this. Fantastic amount of info.
You're welcome! :)

I'm on myfourth Casio DBC-310-1 and it's about to fail now. This watch is fantastic! Myfirst was bought in the 1980s. I usually wear out the alpha-numeric keypadbuttons or the function buttons. I've come to rely on it because I'm a seniorcitizen and my memory is fading fast. The Telememo/Schedule function lets meenter dozens of reminder messages with alarms and phone #s. The remindermessages are what I rely on. I usually have about 30 or so reminders set. Ican't get thru the day/week/year without them.

I've beentrying to find a new DBC-310 or even a DBC-150 for sale with no luck. I checkedwith Casio and after calling 3 different support #s someone finally confirmedthey no longer make any Databank models. One tech support rep, who was veryfamiliar with the large memory 310/150 Schedule function, said no other currentCasio models have a similar feature. I've been searching the web for days now.I had many hits on the model # but they are all out of stock. The only 150 of310 models I found available for sale were used models on ebay.
Well, first of all: you didn't tell me where you're from? I ask, because Casio really does still make some of these DBCs, just not everywhere in the world. In Europe they stopped years ago, but in the US for example the DBC-310 is still being made:
DBC310-1 - Databank - Mens, Womens, Ladies, Digital, Analog, Watches | CASIO America, Inc.
But actually, I don't think you need to buy a whole new watch: Casio really should be able to supply a new case for your old module, assuming it still works alright. If you're capable, or know someone who is, you can swap in the new case yourself, or you can buy the replacement through your local jewelry (watch) shop and let them do the work.

Freddy2, Isee in your post in the "…functional differences per module" section "Max"column you entered 2 numbers as "Maximum amount of numbers for Telememo/Maximumamount of signs for Schedule" for each module. My DBC-310, 1478 Module allows 8characters for each phone name with 12 numbers for the phone number in eachentry. It also allows 11 characters for reminder text plus the alarm time setfor each Schedule entry.
It doesn'tquite match your numbers, but maybe I'm not interpreting this stuff right.Also, what do you mean by "signs"?
You are right: the explanation of those numbers is somewhat unclear. The fact is that the first number is the amount of characters that can be used for the Telememo name, whereas the second number represents the amount of characters available for the Schedule reminder message (the amount of digits for the Telememo number is 12 for all these watches, except for the DBC-32 and the new DBC-611 that offer 15 digits).

You alsoadded a few new models, like DBC-611, etc, with descriptions. You explicitlysay "no schedule" and expressly say "5 alarms". Can I assume that any Databank-typeCasio watch models described with 5
alarms/"4Multi-function Alarms and 1 Multi-function alarm with snooze" then it doesn'thave the robust Schedule memory like the 310/150?
Yes, unfortunately that's true: 5 (or 4+1) alarms and Schedule never go together.
#12 · (Edited)

9/4 Update: I called Casio & they told me Databanks have not been made in the last 5 years and they left them up on the website just for people to get details on the watches.

I also called Casio Repair & was told no parts are available to repair my DBC310. So I'm out of luck. Maybe I will buy a used one on ebay.

If anyone has a new or used DBC-150 or DBC-310 please reply.


Thanks for the reply, Freddy2. You're very generous with your time. I'm in NJ, USA. I emailed Casio about repair/parts availability and I will call them after the holiday.

If you click the "ShopCasio" button as if to buy it on the DBC310-1 page you provided, it comes back with "Sorry,this item is not available for purchase through". I'm wondering what we can conclude from this; is it available anywhere else?, or not being manufactured anymore?, or ??? I'm going to call them and ask for an explanation.

Thanks again.

#13 ·
I recently discovered an old DBC-30 that has been lying around, and since I'm not such a huge fan of digital watches, was planing to trade it. But I was wondering if someone here knows the value of this watch? I want to know so I can get an idea about what to look for in a trade!

This watch says that it was made in Korea. It has no scratches that I can see and is in very very nice condition with the original strap.

Would anyone be able to help me?

#17 ·

"I have a used DBC-1500 Casio Data Bank 150 (chrome case,luminous keypad), cosmetically perfect..."

Thanksdatabanker, but I recently bought a straight For Sale new DBC-150 on eBay withthe black resin case like I prefer. My fourth DBC-300 is about to fail from myabuse of the keys & buttons.
A new DBC-300recently sold;,
it startedat $99. I was in it for a few bids but it got quickly out of my range on theday it sold. I search every now & then looking for another.

Good luckwith your search. If you find 2 new ones for $30 each, let me know. :eek:)

#18 ·
#19 ·
I am 41 years old and I always liked digital watches. Of the 80 buy only digital, but I did not give importance to Casio databank watches. The watches calculators I did not like so much because most models do not have light. Now I began to love and so I bought Casio dbc 32. Here in Greece find only casio dbc 32 and the new model Cassio dbc 611. Compared with previous this series and am not very excited since the 2 these new models only store 25 phones without notes and the alarm rings only 10 seconds. Consider buying the psasio dbc 610 now. But I like Casio dbc 62, can not find it!
#21 ·
Really great and awfully helpfull thread. I registered expressly to thank you as I am beginning to get bit by the CASIO collecting bug and especially the DBCs.
But I have a question about the 32 series. Are the Mondo ones limited? And the color variations of the basic one, especially the yellow one is that one espacially rare? I just bought one thinking of it as being limited for about 100€... And I have seens the Mondos being sold for more than 200€. Is that a fair price?
#22 ·

First of all I'd like to thank you for detailed summary of DBC watches.

I want to buy buy DBC-611G. But I have doubts about WR.

I saw that you had wrote "The DBC-61/610/610G with WR on their display, are the only ones that are guaranteed to be Water Resistant (against splashes, but no water pressure)."


A new (Module 3228) DBC-611 just appeared: It goes back to the popular DBC-610 case, but functionally it is the same as the DBC-32.

It is available as:

- DBC-611 (Unpol.Chrome/SS)
- DBC-611G (Gold/Gold SS).

At this point can we accept that DBC-611G is WR?

Thank you.
#26 ·
Just like Gilles Readydot, this excellent and informative thread convinced me to register for the forum, and it helped me to make an informed choice as to what to buy. I'm now the owner of a brand new DBC-611, which I like a lot, but I do have a couple of questions for those who also own one:
1. for you who actually own one, is your LCD screen also slightly off-balance? On my watch, the lines where the various statues appear (3 SEC, LT, MUTE etc.) are not quite parallel with the screen frame. It's also noticeable with the lower character line where the date and year are displayed. It doesn't really bother me, I'm just curious;
2. did you feel slightly cheated when you tried out the illumination and realised it's just an amber LED, not the Illuminator (blue backlight)? Again, I think the LED has its retro charm and I can certainly read the display in the dark, but I feel Casio pulled a fast one here;
3. the keyboard feels quite "stiff" on mine, i.e. the buttons take quite a bit of force to register - is this something that gets better with time?

And a couple of general questions:
1. what do Casio's designations after the model number mean, e.g. 611-1, 611-1EF, 611-1CR-FBA etc.? Do the differently designated watches differ in any way?
2. looking at pictures of various used DBC-610s and 611s, I saw that the plastic keyboard surface can get quite dirty, especially around the edges (this one is particularly badly affected: ). Is this something that tends to happen a lot, and can it be prevented?

Thanks in advance for any answers you may provide, and congratulations on an excellent thread once again, Freddy2.
#27 ·
1. Will have to check that.
2. That's actually what I found brilliant about the DBC "old skool" series. Makes them feel even more retro.
3. It is stiff, but tnot as stiff as on the DBC32 series. But the 611 keyboard is more prone to breaking, that's why I had opted for the 32 as my first DBC.

1. Depends on the land of purchase. Most models are the same, but the country of origin differs and so also the last numbers. Quite confusing, but you'll get the hang of it.
2. Can't be prevented, if you wear it regularly and don't clean it regularly.
#28 ·
Don't get me wrong I *love* the DBC-611 design, it's retro, stylish, and restrained at the same time, and as soon as I saw it, I knew it had to be this or nothing - even though I became aware of the DBC-32 through this thread, I never even considered it. But I do feel Casio shouldn't have put "Illuminator" on the watch's face; after all, it's not even period correct to refer to it: this is supposed to be an 80s watch, while the Illuminator feature is a thing of the 90s.

Pity about the keyboard cover - I hope mine doesn't get dirty too soon. How long does it usually take, a couple of years, ten years, more if you're careful? How about the chrome on the resin case, does it rub off quickly? I've never had an anodised Casio watch, only a black plastic one (the W-741, had it forever, a brilliant watch) and a stainless steel Rolex Submariner replica, the MTD-1043, which I also love.
#29 ·
That's truly an impressive list from the Casio Databank series. Thank-you for sharing. My father was a techie type of guy and had the dbc-600 in unpolished chrome. As a 8 or 9 year old I marveled at it and when we went to Service Merchandise at the time I saw a DBC-610 in unpolished chrome. He bought one for me and that was my first. About 11 years later he bought be the dbc-1500 with polished chrome and grey keypad. I ended up losing the dbc-610 on an eagle scout project and then ended up with a second one which I eventually lost. Just recently I purchased the dbc-610a in unpolished chrome and totally agree it's the best looking of all the Casio Databank's.
#30 ·
I got the dbc-610 probably around 1989 as an 11 year old and I think it had the WR marking on it. I'm really enjoying wearing the dbc-610a even though I carry a cell-phone. I wrote Casio telling them I'm glad they brought back the dbc-610a in that case and style, but hope they would continue making that case since the Schedule graph is really neat. Also suggested maybe they could make a revamped version that worked with your cell phone or something. Still find having a watch is useful from time to time.